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EXIN ISO / IEC 20000 Foundation 認定 ISO20KF 試験問題:
1. All service changes should be reflected in Change Management records. Which of the aspects below is an example of a service change, that needs to be reflected in a Change record?
A) an identified Problem
B) a Service Level Agreement failure
C) a major Incident
D) a formal closure of services
2. Which of the following tasks is assigned to each process manager?
A) Ensuring the process is running effectively and efficiently
B) Channeling data to Problem Management
C) Following up on Incidents
D) Setting up Service Level Agreements with the users
3. What should planning for new or changed services include?
A) recent Problems and Known Errors in the desktop environment
B) budgets and staff resources
C) trends in Capacity growth of the current applications
D) major non-conformities to all Underpinning Contracts (UCs)
4. Which of the following actions should be taken to ensure continual improvement of a Quality Management System?
A) Analyze customer satisfaction and identify resulting actions
B) Review the Quality Management System at least annually
C) Start an internal service organization evaluation
D) Analyze and evaluate the existing situation to identify areas for improvement
5. What is the purpose of a Problem review?
A) To seek improvements to the process and to prevent recurrence of Incidents or mistakes
B) To provide expert help on risk assessment for optimization of security procedures
C) To prevent computer systems from having too limited disk space so that capacity problems will not occur
D) To restore the service to normal operating conditions as soon as possible
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: A | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: D | 質問 # 5 正解: A |