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MongoDB Certified Developer Associate 認定 C100DEV 試験問題:
1. Given a movies collection where each document has the following structure: { _id: ObjectId('573a1390f29313caabcd60e4'), genres: [ 'Short', 'Comedy', 'Drama' ], title: 'The Immigrant', year: 1917, imdb: { rating: 7.8, votes: 4680, id: 8133 }, countries: [ 'USA' ] } Which of the following queries will find all movies that were made in 2000 or 2010?
A) db.movies.find( { year: 2000, year: 2010 } )
B) db.movies.find( { $in: [ { year: 2000 }, { year: 2010 } ] } )
C) db.movies.find( { $or: [ { year: 2000 }, { year: 2010 } ] } )
D) db.movies.find( { $and: [ { year: 2000 }, { year: 2010 } ] } )
2. We have an accounts collection with the following document structure:
{ _id: ObjectId("61af47c6e29861661d063714"), account_id: 1010, type: 'investment', limit: 1000000 }
And the following query:
db.accounts.find({ "$or": [ { "type": { "$in": [ "investment", "derivatives" ] } }, { "limit": { "$gt": 500000 } } ] })
Which of the documents below will be retrieved by this query?
A) { _id: ObjectId("61af47c6e29861661d063714"), account_id: 1010, type: 'investment', limit: 1000000 }
B) { _id: ObjectId("61af47c6e29861661d063715"), account_id: 4336, type: 'derivatives', limit: 100000 }
C) { _id: ObjectId("61af47c6e29861661d067825"), account_id: 7355, type: 'commodity', limit: 500000 }
D) { _id: ObjectId("61af47c6e29861661d063357"), account_id: 1752, type: 'commodity', limit: 1000 }
3. Suppose you have a companies collection in your database. Only the following documents are stored in this collection:
{ _id: ObjectId("52cdef7c4bab8bd675297da4"), name: 'Powerset', category_code: 'search', founded_year: 2006 }, { _id: ObjectId("52cdef7c4bab8bd675297da5"), name: 'Technorati', category_code: 'advertising', founded_year: 2002 }, { _id: ObjectId("52cdef7c4bab8bd675297da7"), name: 'AddThis', category_code: 'advertising', founded_year: 2004 }, { _id: ObjectId("52cdef7c4bab8bd675297da8"), name: 'OpenX', category_code: 'advertising', founded_year: 2008 }, { _id: ObjectId("52cdef7c4bab8bd675297daa"), name: 'Sparter', category_code: 'games_video', founded_year: 2007 }, { _id: ObjectId("52cdef7c4bab8bd675297dac"), name: 'Veoh', category_code: 'games_video', founded_year: 2004 }, { _id: ObjectId("52cdef7c4bab8bd675297dae"), name: 'Thoof', category_code: 'web', founded_year: 2006 }
How many documents will be deleted when executing the following query?
db.companies.deleteMany( { "category_code": "advertising" } )
A) 0
B) 4
C) 3
D) 7
4. Which of the following commands can you use to exports data in BSON format from a MongoDB cluster?
A) mongoimport
B) mongodump
C) mongostore
D) mongoexport
5. The greater the cardinality of a field, the...
A) less useful an index created on this field will be.
B) more useful an index created on this field will be.
質問 # 1 正解: C | 質問 # 2 正解: A、B | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: B | 質問 # 5 正解: B |