Workday Pro Integrations Certification Exam試験学習資料での高い復習効率
ほとんどの候補者にとって、特にオフィスワーカー、Workday-Pro-Integrations試験の準備は、多くの時間とエネルギーを必要とする難しい作業です。だから、適切なWorkday-Pro-Integrations試験資料を選択することは、Workday-Pro-Integrations試験にうまく合格するのに重要です。高い正確率があるWorkday-Pro-Integrations有効学習資料によって、候補者はWorkday Pro Integrations Certification Exam試験のキーポイントを捉え、試験の内容を熟知します。あなたは約2日の時間をかけて我々のWorkday-Pro-Integrations試験学習資料を練習し、Workday-Pro-Integrations試験に簡単でパスします。
現代技術は人々の生活と働きの仕方を革新します(Workday-Pro-Integrations試験学習資料)。 広く普及しているオンラインシステムとプラットフォームは最近の現象となり、IT業界は最も見通しがある業界(Workday-Pro-Integrations試験認定)となっています。 企業や機関では、候補者に優れた教育の背景が必要であるという事実にもかかわらず、プロフェッショナル認定のようなその他の要件があります。それを考慮すると、適切なWorkday Workday Pro Integrations Certification Exam試験認定は候補者が高給と昇進を得られるのを助けます。
私たちはWorkday-Pro-Integrations試験認定分野でよく知られる会社として、プロのチームにWorkday Pro Integrations Certification Exam試験復習問題の研究と開発に専念する多くの専門家があります。したがって、我々のWorkday Integrations試験学習資料がWorkday-Pro-Integrations試験の一流復習資料であることを保証することができます。私たちは、Workday Integrations Workday-Pro-Integrations試験サンプル問題の研究に約10年間集中して、候補者がWorkday-Pro-Integrations試験に合格するという目標を決して変更しません。私たちのWorkday-Pro-Integrations試験学習資料の質は、Workday専門家の努力によって保証されています。それで、あなたは弊社を信じて、我々のWorkday Pro Integrations Certification Exam最新テスト問題集を選んでいます。
様々な復習資料が市場に出ていることから、多くの候補者は、どの資料が適切かを知りません。この状況を考慮に入れて、私たちはWorkday Workday-Pro-Integrationsの無料ダウンロードデモを候補者に提供します。弊社のウェブサイトにアクセスしてWorkday Pro Integrations Certification Examデモをダウンロードするだけで、Workday-Pro-Integrations試験復習問題を購入するかどうかを判断するのに役立ちます。多数の新旧の顧客の訪問が当社の能力を証明しています。私たちのWorkday-Pro-Integrations試験の学習教材は、私たちの市場におけるファーストクラスのものであり、あなたにとっても良い選択だと確信しています。
Workday Pro Integrations Certification 認定 Workday-Pro-Integrations 試験問題:
1. Refer to the following XML data source to answer the question below.
You need the integration file to format the ps:Position_ID field to 10 characters, truncate the value if it exceeds, and align everything to the left.
How will you start your template match on ps:Position to use Document Transformation (DT) to do the transformation using XTT?
2. You have a population of workers who have put multiple names in their Legal Name - First Name Workday delivered field. Your third-party vendor only accepts one-word first names. For workers that have included a middle name, the first and middle names are separated by a single space. You have been asked to implement the following logic:
* Extract the value before the single space from the Legal Name - First Name Workday delivered field.
* Count the number of characters in the extracted value.
* Identify if the number of characters is greater than.
* If the count of characters is greater than 0, use the extracted value. Otherwise, use the Legal Name - First Name Workday delivered field.
What functions are needed to achieve the end goal?
A) Substring Text, Text Length, True/False Condition, Evaluate Expression
B) Format Text, Convert Text to Number, True/False Condition, Evaluate Expression
C) Extract Single Instance, Text Length, Numeric Constant, True/False Condition
D) Text Constant, Substring Text, Arithmetic Calculation, Evaluate Expression
3. A calculated field used as a field override in a Connector is not appearing in the output. Assuming the field has a value, what could cause this to occur?
A) Access not provided to all fields in the calculated field.
B) Access not provided to all instances of calculated field.
C) Access not provided to Connector calculated field web service.
D) Access not provided to calculated field data source.
4. Refer to the following scenario to answer the question below. You have configured a Core Connector: Worker integration, which utilizes the following basic configuration:
* Integration field attributes are configured to output the Position Title and Business Title fields from the Position Data section.
* Integration Population Eligibility uses the field Is Manager which returns true if the worker holds a manager role.
* Transaction Log service has been configured to Subscribe to specific Transaction Types: Position Edit Event. You launch your integration with the following date launch parameters (Date format of MM/DD
* As of Entry Moment: 05/25/2024 12:00:00 AM
* Effective Date: 05/25/2024
* Last Successful As of Entry Moment: 05/23/2024 12:00:00 AM
* Last Successful Effective Date: 05/23/2024
To test yourintegration,you made a change to a worker named Jared Ellis who is assigned to the manager role for the IT Help Desk department. You perform an Edit Position on Jared and update their business title to a new value. Jared Ellis' worker history shows the Edit Position Event as being successfully completed with an effective date of 05/27/2024 and an Entry Moment of 05/24/2024 07:58:53 AM however Jared Ellis does not show up in your output. What configuration element would have to be modified for the integration to include Jared Ellis in the output?
A) Integration Field Attributes
B) Date launch parameters
C) Transaction log subscription
D) Integration Population Eligibility
5. Refer to the following XML to answer the question below.
You are an integration developer and need to write XSLT to transform the output of an EIB which is using a web service enabled report to output worker data along with their dependents. You currently have a template which matches on wd:Report_Data/wd:Report_Entry for creating a record from each report entry.
Within the template which matches on wd:Report_Entry you would like to conditionally process the wd:
Dependents_Group elements by using an <xsl:apply-templates> element.
What XPath syntax would be used as the select for the apply templates so as to iterate over only the wd:
Dependents_Group elements where the dependent relationship is Child?
A) wd:Dependents_Group/@wd:Relationship='Child'
B) wd:Dependents_Group[@wd:Relationship='Child']
C) wd:Dependents_Group[wd:Relationship='Child']
D) wd:Dependents_Group/wd:Relationship='Child'
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: A | 質問 # 3 正解: A | 質問 # 4 正解: B | 質問 # 5 正解: C |