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VMware vSphere 8.x Advanced Design 認定 3V0-21.23 試験問題:
1. An architect is designing a new backup solution for a vSphere platform that has been recently upgraded to vSphere 7.
The architect wants the backup solution to perform the following:
- Full virtual machine image backup and restore
- Incremental virtual machine image backup and restore
- File level backup and restore within both Windows and Linux virtual machines
- LAN-free backup.
Which functional requirement should the architect include in the design of the new backup solution?
A) The backup solution must leverage VMware vStorage APIs for Data Protection (VADP).
B) The backup solution must leverage the VMware Consolidated Backup (VCB) framework.
C) The backup solution must leverage virtual machine snapshots.
D) The backup solution must leverage VMware vSphere Storage APIs - Data Protection.
2. What are non-functional requirements in the context of a vSphere design?
A) The physical hardware specifications needed for the vSphere environment.
B) The aspects of the system's behavior and performance, such as security, reliability, and scalability.
C) The specific tasks and operations the system must perform.
D) The expected levels of system performance and responsiveness.
3. An architect is designing a vSphere environment for a customer based on the following information:
- The vSphere cluster will have three hosts only due to budget considerations.
- A database cluster (node majority) consisting of three virtual machines will be running on the vSphere cluster.
Which two recommendations can the architect make so that the customer achieves the highest level of application availability while taking into consideration operational resiliency? (Choose two.)
A) Set das.respectvmvmantiaffinityrules to false
B) Set das.ignoreinsufficienthbdatastore to true
C) Create VM-VM anti-affinity rules
D) Create VM-Host anti-affinity rules
E) Disable vSphere HA during maintenance
4. How are workload and management clusters different?
A) Workload clusters handle resource management, while management clusters focus on security and compliance.
B) Workload clusters are only used for development environments, while management clusters are used for production environments.
C) Workload clusters are used for running virtual machines, while management clusters are used for vCenter Server and other management components.
D) Workload clusters are deployed in multiple data centers, while management clusters are only used in a single data center.
5. An organization's existing vSphere environments are configured for Enhanced Linked Mode. The DevOps team automates the creation of hardened virtual machine images for various operating systems.
Their continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline runs a task at the end of a successful build, which uploads the Open Virtualization Format (OV) image to a sandbox content library, deploys a virtual machine from the image, and then destroys these objects after quality checks are complete.
The following requirements have been noted:
- All content libraries and images must be centrally created and managed.
- All images must be capable of being updated.
- All images must be refreshed and available to subscribed libraries within 24 hours.
- All images must provide details of the image contents and versions.
- All images must be capable of being reverted to a previous version.
- All images must be capable of having the hardware and guest operating system customized during deployment.
Which three recommendations should the architect make to design a content library solution that will meet these requirements? (Choose three.)
A) Create and publish a new subscription to a new subscriber library for each target vSphere environment.
B) Deploy the OVF images to vSphere and clone as an OVF template to a local content library.
C) Add a new subscriber library from each vSphere environment.
D) Edit the Auto Sync Refresh Interval advanced setting for each subscribed library.
E) Create a local content library in the primary vSphere environment and enable publishing.
F) Deploy the OVF images to vSphere and clone as a VM template to a local content library.
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: A、C | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: A、E、F |