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The Open Group TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Part 2 認定 OGEA-102 試験問題:
1. Please read this scenario prior to answering the question
Your role is that of a consultant to the Lead Enterprise Architect to an international supplier of engineering services and automated manufacturing systems. It has three manufacturing plants where it assembles both standard and customized products for industrial production automation. Each of these plants has been operating its own planning and production scheduling systems, as well as applications and control systems that drive the automated production line.
The Enterprise Architecture department has been operating for several years and has mature, well-developed architecture governance and development processes that are based on the TOGAF Standard. The CIO sponsors the Enterprise Architecture.
During a recent management meeting, a senior Vice-President highlighted an interview where a competitor company's CIO is reported as saying that their production efficiency had been improved by replacing multiple planning and scheduling systems with a common Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system located in a central data center. Some discussion followed, with the CIO responding that the situations are not comparable, and the current architecture is already optimized.
In response, the Architecture Board approved a Request for Architecture Work covering the investigations to determine if such an architecture transformation would lead to improvements in efficiency. You have been assigned to support the architecture team working on this project.
A well-known concern of the plant managers is about the security and reliability of driving their planning and production scheduling from a remote centralized system. Any chosen system would also need to support the current supply chain network consisting of local partners at each of the plants.
Refer to the scenario
You have been asked to explain how you will initiate the architecture project.
Based on the TOGAF Standard, which of the following is the best answer?
A) You would develop baseline and target Architectures for each of the manufacturing plants, ensuring that the views corresponding to selected viewpoints address key concerns of the stakeholders. A business case, together with performance metrics and measures should be defined to ensure the architecture meets the business needs. A consolidated gap analysis between the architectures will then validate the approach and determine the capability increments needed to achieve the target state.
B) You would conduct a pilot project that will enable vendors to demonstrate potential off-the-shelf solutions that address the concerns of the stakeholders. Running a pilot project will save time and money later in the process. Based on the findings of that pilot project, a complete set of requirements can then be developed that will drive the evolution of the architecture. Once the requirements are completed, a formal stakeholder review should be held, and permission sought to proceed to develop the target architecture.
C) You would hold a series of interviews at each of the manufacturing plants using the business scenarios technique. This will allow you to understand the systems and integrations with local partners. You would use stakeholder analysis to identify key players in the engagement, and to understand their concerns. You will then identify and document the key high-level stakeholder requirements for the architecture. You will then generate high level definitions of the baseline and target architectures.
D) You would research vendor literature and conduct a series of briefings with vendors that are on the current approved supplier list. Based on the findings from the research, you would define a preliminary Architecture Vision including summary views, high-level requirements, and high-level definitions of the baseline and target environments from a business, information systems, and technology perspective. You would then use that to build consensus among the key stakeholders.
質問 # 1 正解: C |