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試験名称:TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Part 2 Exam

認証ベンダー:The Open Group





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The Open Group TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Part 2 認定 OGEA-102 試験問題:

1. Please read this scenario prior to answering the question
Your role is consultant to the Lead Architect within a multinational company that manufactures electronic components. The company has several manufacturing divisions located worldwide and a complex supply chain. After a recent study, senior management have stated a concern about business efficiency considering the company's multiple data centers and duplication of applications.
The company has a mature Enterprise Architecture (EA) practice and uses the TOGAF architecture development method in its EA practice. In addition to the EA program, the company has several management frameworks in use, including business planning, project/portfolio management, and operations management. The EA program is sponsored by the CIO.
A strategic architecture has been defined to improve the ability to meet customer demand and improve management of the supply chain. The strategic architecture includes the consolidation of multiple Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications that have been operating independently in the divisions' production facilities.
Each division has completed the Architecture Definition documentation to meet its own specific manufacturing requirements. The enterprise architects have defined a set of work packages that address the gaps identified. They have identified the value produced, effort required, and dependencies between work packages to reach a farget architecture that would integrate a new ERP environment into the company.
Because of the risks posed by change from the current environment, the architects have recommended that a phased approach occurs to implement the target architecture with several transition states. The overall implementation process is estimated to take several years.
Refer to the scenario
You have been asked what the next steps are for the migration planning.
Based on the TOGAF standard which of the following is the best answer?

A) You estimate the business value for each project by applying the Business Value Assessment Technique to prioritize the implementation projects and project increments. The assessment should focus on return on investment and performance evaluation criteria that can be used to monitor the progress of the architecture transformation. You would confirm and plan a series of Transition Architecture phases using an Architecture Definition Increments Table that lists the projects.
B) You assess how the Implementation and Migration plan impacts the other frameworks in use in the organization. Minimally, you ensure that the plan is coordinated with the business planning, project/portfolio management and operations management frameworks. You would then assign a business value to each work package, considering available resources and strategic fit. You then use the work packages to identify projects that will be in the Implementation and Migration Plan
C) You place the Architecture Definition Document under configuration control. This will ensure that the architecture remains relevant and responsive to the needs of the enterprise. You would identify the development resources to undertake the projects. You would then produce an Implementation Governance Model to manage the lessons learned prior to finalizing the plan. You recommend that lessons learned be applied as changes to the architecture without review.
D) You conduct a series of Compliance Assessments to ensure that the architecture is being implemented according to the contract. The Compliance Assessment should verify that the implementation team is using the proper development methodology. It should include deployment of monitoring tools and ensure that performance targets are being met. If they are not met, then you would identify changes to performance requirements and update those in the Implementation and Migration Plan.

2. Please read this scenario prior to answering the question
You have been appointed as Chief Enterprise Architect (CEA). reporting to the Chief Technical Officer (CTO), of a company established as a separate operating entity by a major automotive manufacturer. The mission of the company is to build a new industry leading unified technology and software platform for electric vehicles.
The company uses the TOGAF Standard as the basis for its Enterprise Architecture (EA) framework, and architecture development follows the purpose-based EA Capability model as described in the TOGAF Series Guide: A Practitioners'Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ADM.
An end-to-end Target Architecture has been completed with a roadmap for change over a five-year period. The new platform will be a cross-functional effort between hardware and software teams, with significant changes over the old platform. It is expected to be developed in several stages over three years. The EA team has inherited the architecture for the previous generation hardware and software automotive platform, some of which can be carried over to the new unified platform. The EA team has started to define the new platform, including defining which parts of the architecture to carry forward.
Enough of the Business Architecture has been defined, so that work can commence on the Information Systems and Technology Architectures. Those need to be defined to support the core business services that the company plans to provide. The core services will feature an innovative approach with swarm data generated by vehicles, paving the way for autonomous driving in the future.
The presentation and access to different variations of data that the company plans to offer through its platform pose an architecture challenge. The application portfolio and supporting infrastructure need to interact with various existing cloud services and data- Refer to the scenario You have been asked what approach should be taken to determine and organize the work to deliver the requested architectures?
Based on the TOGAF standard which of the following is the best answer?

A) You will revisit ADM Phase A. identifying the stakeholders and creating a new Architecture Vision. You will update the Stakeholder map produced for the strategic architecture so it reflects the stakeholders who are now the most relevant to the projects that are to be developed. You would then ask the CTO to make some decisions about the Architecture Roadmap, and update the Implementation and Migration Plan to reflect the decisions.
B) You will research leading data businesses, developing high-level Target Data, Application and Technology Architectures. You would review the Architecture Vision in order to estimate the level of detail, time, and breadth of the ADM cycle phases that will be needed to develop the architecture. You will identify and cost major work packages, and then develop an Architecture Roadmap. You would then seek approval by the Architecture Board and initiate the project.
C) You would look outside the enterprise to research data models and application portfolios of leading big data businesses. You would develop just enough applications, data, and technology architecture to identify options. For each project this should include identification of candidate architecture and solution building blocks. You will identify solution providers, perform a readiness assessment, and assess the viability and fitness of the solution options. You will then document the draft Implementation and Migration plan.
D) You would refer to the end-to-end Target Architecture for guidance and direction. The first objective should be to identify projects, dependencies and synergies, then prioritize before initiating the projects. You will develop high-level architecture descriptions. For each project you would estimate effort size, identify reference architectures, and candidate building blocks. You will identify the resource needs considering cost and value. You will document options, risks, and controls to enable viability analysis and trade-off with the stakeholders.


質問 # 1
正解: A
質問 # 2
正解: D









9.8 / 10 - 585



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