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SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) 認定 SHRM-SCP 試験問題:
1. The president of a large company is planning to retire soon. The president has been with the company for 40 years, the longest tenure of any employee in the company, and has been president for the last 10 years. In addition to replacing its top leader, the company is also in the midst of conducting strategic planning for the next three years. The HR director has been placed in charge of overseeing the selection and transition process for the new president and has organized a search committee consisting of external board members. The search committee has identified three internal candidates for the position and must move forward with the process of selecting one to be president.
The candidates for the position are all engineers with limited experience in business management. What is the best indicator that the candidates will be able to succeed in the position despite a lack of business background?
A) Consistently high ratings by colleagues on interpersonal skills
B) Commitment to pursue an executive master's of business administration soon after assuming the position
C) Scoring highly on a competency-based managerial assessment of business skills
D) Demonstrated success in making sound business decisions in recent positions
2. The HR manager at a consulting firm notices a rapid increase in the demand for experienced leaders. The increase is making it difficult to hire managers at the same rate of pay compared to one year ago. The firm presently has three open manager positions and the three top candidates are demanding annual salaries higher than current managers' salaries. This morning the firm's CEO sent a companywide email announcing that staffing the job openings is a top priority to meet business demands. The email also indicated the firm is willing to pay a referral bonus. The HR manager knows that staffing the job openings will completely exhaust HR's budget, leaving no money to pay referral bonuses or make salary adjustments for incumbents. While reviewing the candidates' resumes the HR manager receives an email from an incumbent manager stating that the manager discovered the firm is offering higher salaries to applicants with less experience. The email also states the incumbent manager no longer trusts the leadership team and is going to seek other employment opportunities.
Which action should the HR manager take to communicate the hiring challenges HR is experiencing?
A) Ask the CEO to provide all staff with a detailed explanation of the business need for experienced leaders.
B) Notify the firm's current managers they should not expect to receive salary adjustments this year.
C) Notify the CEO that HR's budget will be completely exhausted if the firm hires the three top candidates.
D) Send an email to all staff explaining how job market changes are making it difficult to hire experienced managers.
3. A nonprofit health care facility conducts an engagement and culture survey, and the results indicate that employees throughout the organization believe leadership engages in favoritism by providing unequal opportunities for staff. General perceptions of the company's culture are poor, and many employees report intentions to leave their jobs. Several additional concerning findings are isolated to the philanthropic department, which is responsible for acquiring donors and securing charitable partnerships. Employees from this department report poor working relationships among staff, including gossiping and bullying among co-workers. Although the leadership team is aware of the poor working relationships in the philanthropic department, they have not asked the department director to address the issues because of the department's outstanding performance in recent years. However, after considering the recent survey results the leadership team decides to initiate a project to address the culture issues at the facility overall and within the philanthropy department specifically. The operations VP will oversee the project and ask an HR business partner (HRBP) to lead the project. The VP of operations requests that the HRBP collect additional survey data and conduct focus groups during the first phase of the project.
Although the leadership team initiated the project, a few members express concerns that the project is not a good use of the facility's funds. They are skeptical that the project will lead to any tangible benefits for the facility. Which action should the HRBP take to address the leadership team's opposition to the project?
A) Compile case studies of real-world examples where poor company culture resulted in organizational failure.
B) Finish gathering data for the project before addressing the leaders' concerns.
C) Justify the investment in the project by highlighting the return on investment in relation to costs of turnover.
D) Provide examples of steps the facility may choose to take to improve company culture during later phases of the project.
4. The executive leadership team at a global IT company with over 300,000 employees in 140 countries decides they want more information about the state of the talent at the organization. They are concerned that they do not have enough insight about the talent pool across the organization. This has prevented HR from identifying and planning for retention risks and has caused delays in filling critical positions. Additionally, leaders across the organization lack an effective way to identify the best staff for their teams and must rely on recommendations from others. The VP of HR is asked to identify a talent management software solution and oversee its companywide implementation.
Which action should the VP of HR take first to identify a talent management software solution?
A) Ask the IT department for information related to the technological constraints of the organization.
B) Determine the budget available for the purchase and implementation of the software system.
C) Contact colleagues at similar organizations to ask which software solution they use.
D) Conduct a needs analysis to understand the requirements needed to address the current risks.
5. Which is a strategic role of HR in merger & acquisition (M&A) due diligence?
A) Setting a timeline for the M&A project.
B) Analyzing the cultural aspects of the company to be acquired.
C) Helping the company carry out the process faster.
D) Communicating the steps of the process to employees.
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: C | 質問 # 3 正解: C | 質問 # 4 正解: D | 質問 # 5 正解: B |