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HP Selling HP SMB Solutions - 認定 HP2-E56 試験問題:
1. What top concern might a customer in the healthcare industry have with client virtualization?
A) IT Efficiency - client virtualization increases employee flexibility but burdens IT with increased support demands for routine activities
B) Employee Productivity - client virtualization imposes a steep learning curve on employees as it requires a change in how they interact with the data center
C) System Availability - a virtualized client environment is far less reliable than a traditional IT data center
D) Security - client virtualization is risky because it exposes the business environment and its assets to malicious intrusion
2. Why are HP VDI reference architectures for mid-sized businesses tested, sized, and optimized for a specific number of users?
A) to enable rapid Windows-based deployments with predictable, repeatable costs and performance
B) to lay the groundwork that will enable businesses to completely eliminate the need to refresh traditional devices
C) to enable each solution to be bundled with an orderable part number to simplify the ordering process and ensure rapid delivery
D) to increase the number of HP servers sold by limiting the number of supported users on a single server
3. What is a key feature of HP Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) solutions?
A) According to industry analysts, client virtualization software created by HP is the forerunner in the marketplace.
B) All hardware and client virtualization software solution components are built by HP for easy integration, deployment, manageability, and supportability
C) HP partners with leading client virtualization software partners to provide customers with a choice in best-in-class solutions.
D) Although HP VDI solutions are designed for enterprise customers, they can be easily adapted to mid-sized businesses.
4. What is a good way to introduce HP Lync Solutions into a conversation with a customer?
A) By asking about additional features the customer would like to see included in their PBX
B) By finding out if the customer is satisfied with their current PBX provider
C) By asking the customer how they plan to address the obsolescence of their legacy PBX
D) By asking the customer to identify the specific features of their PBX phone system they like most
5. How does information on applications in the customer's environment help qualify the right set of products and services to be recommended?
A) It increases the sales opportunity to replace aging applications.
B) It provides insight into workload requirements.
C) It indicates the customer's interest in leading-edge technology.
D) It provides an indication of the customer's IT buying trends.
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: B |