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要するに、プロのSalesforce-Communications-Cloud試験認定はあなた自身を計る最も効率的な方法であり、企業は教育の背景だけでなく、あなたの職業スキルによって従業員を採用することを指摘すると思います。世界中の技術革新によって、あなたをより強くする重要な方法はSalesforce Communications Cloud Accredited Professional (AP) Exam試験認定を受けることです。だから、私たちの信頼できる高品質のAccredited Professional有効練習問題集を選ぶと、Salesforce-Communications-Cloud試験に合格し、より明るい未来を受け入れるのを助けます。
Salesforce Communications Cloud Accredited Professional (AP) 認定 Salesforce-Communications-Cloud 試験問題:
1. An ABC telecom customer ordered an internet bundle along with router in their first order. At later date, the customer ordered another internet bundle. Their existing router supports all services. What should be the scope of technical product so that the decomposition process generates fulfillment request lines (FRL) based on the exiting inventory item?
A) Top Order Item Scope
B) Order Item Scope
C) Downstream Order Item Scope
D) Account Scope
2. The discovery phase has identified the industries order management should integrate with the provisioning system using HTTP protocol, however to activate the service the external system requires two HTTP requests passing formatted JSON payloads. A temporary identifier is returned from the first request and must be used on the second one, but it has no relevance to CRM. The provisioning system is known to reply within 750ms for each request. What are two out of the box options for integration within this system?
A) Use Data raptor technology to make the request and return the response to order management
B) Design for one callout each request and cache the identifier in memory
C) Design integration procedure that makes both request and returns the result to order Management.
D) Design for one callout each request and save the identifier in a non-assetizable attribute on the fulfillment request line
3. An ABC telecom customer requested a change to their existing services which resulted in new set of assets. At later date customer changed from device based to an installment based contract. After few year customer then requested to change their telephone number. Which object of communication data model should a consultant use to manage the life cycle of assets over a time?
A) Subscription
B) Service Entitlement
C) Service Account
D) Contract Line Item
4. A telecom service provider offers internet, mobile and TV services that can be sold as bundled and independently. Fulfillment consultant designer is designing the orchestration order that contains any combination to consistently improve the customer satisfaction, the consultant need to design a solution that makes the service available to consumers for consumption and support changes for completely fulfilled offers even when other are still being same. what is the recommendation approach for an assets management strategy in this case?
A) Module the offer as a triple play bundle, Use standard assetization in orchestration to assetize the offer that have been ordered
B) Module each offer as top offer, Use the standard assetization in orchestration to assetize the offer that have been ordered
C) Module the offer as a triple play bundle, Use staged assetization in orchestration to assetize the offer that have been ordered
D) Module the offer as a top level offers, Use staged assetization in orchestration to assetize the offer that have been ordered
5. Universal Connect (UC) offers only internet service. However, they plan on extending their offering to include TV services for the existing customers. Fulfillment of Internet and TV orders will only require customers to activate one access line.
Consultant plans on mapping Internet and TV products to the same technical product for the access line using decomposition, but there is a common attribute called "Installation Type" on the internet and TV offer. What will be the consultant see as a result if the consumer order internet and TV together?
A) An error at runtime no value will be assigned to the attribute "installation Type" on the technical product
B) No errors will be returned the value for 'Installation type' on the technical product will be set to most recently modified attribute.
C) An error at design time, an error will be returned while configuring the decomposition relationship because of the duplicate attributes
D) No error will be returned the "installation type" will be copied as empty/null after decomposition on the technical product
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: A、D | 質問 # 3 正解: A | 質問 # 4 正解: D | 質問 # 5 正解: B |