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CIMA Risk Management 認定 P3 試験問題:
1. H is a senior production manager for P Ltd which is about to make a strategic decision on setting up a new production line requiring $3 million of new specialist equipment.
H's daughter is friends with and goes to school with the daughter of T, the sales manager in KK Ltd. KK Ltd is a potential supplier of the specialist equipment that P Ltd requires.
T owns a holiday home. H's daughter regularly accompanies T's daughter on family vacations at this holiday home, all at T's expense.
H is the only person working for P Ltd who is qualified to select the specialist equipment. KK Ltd will definitely bid for the sale.
What should H do?
A) H should declare an interest and withdraw from the assessment process.
B) H should exclude KK Ltd from the bidding process.
C) H should declare an interest, giving details of his daughter's friendship with T's daughter, but should participate fully in the assessment process.
D) H should permit KK Ltd to bid, but should insist that T should not be involved.
2. A UK manufacturing company has simultaneously:
* purchased a put option to sell USD 1million at an exercise price of GBP1.00 = USD1.65
* sold a call option that grants the option holder the right to buy USD 1million at a price of GBP1.00 = USD1.61 (this option has the same maturity date as the put).
Which of the following is a valid explanation for entering into these option positions?
A) The company expects to pay USD 1million to a supplier and wishes to offset the premium from the call option against the cost of the put option.
B) The company expects to pay USD 1million to a supplier and wishes to obtain additional protection against the USD strengthening beyond GBP 1.00 = USD 1.65.
C) The company expects to receive USD 1million from a customer and wishes to offset the cost of the put option by the premium on the call option.
D) The company expects to receive USD 1million from a customer and wishes to obtain an additional benefit if the USD strengthens beyond GBP 1.00 = USD 1.61.
3. Which of the following is NOT a financial risk.
A) Taking out variable rate loans to finance short term investments.
B) Selling goods on credit terms.
C) Global warming.
D) Sourcing raw materials overseas to manufacture goods.
4. The management of U is reviewing internal controls throughout the company. It has noted the following:-
1. In the trade receivables section, journal adjustments are made by the clerks, without any reference to their supervisor. Journal adjustments may relate to sales returns, discounts allowed, or transfers between accounts.
2. In the purchasing department, the purchasing manager selects and approves all suppliers, as they are the only person with sufficient experience to do so. They use a very limited number of suppliers because they can rely on these suppliers to provide goods of the quality required at a competitive price. They do not keep any documents in relation to negotiations with other potential suppliers or other quotes obtained.
In relation to the above, which of the following statements are valid?
A) The fact that the purchasing manager does not keep documentation relating to negotiations with suppliers, or potential suppliers, is evidence that they are involved in fraudulent activity.
B) It is acceptable for clerks in the trade receivables section to make journal adjustments without authorisation provided the amounts involved are not material to U's financial statements.
C) Clerks making journal adjustments without reference to their supervisor is evidence of inadequate separation of duties.
D) The way the role of purchasing manager is carried out in U increases the chance that the company will fall victim to fraudulent activity.
E) The fact that the purchasing manager uses a very small number of suppliers is, in itself, a sign of poor internal controls.
F) It is acceptable for clerks in the trade receivable section to make journal adjustments without authorisation, provided they have no access to cash receipts.
5. MNO is a hotel chain which consists of many small local hotels spread throughout Sealand and often used by business customers It has decided to undertake scenario planning to see how it might be affected by changes in the future.
Which TWO of the following scenarios would be helpful in strategic scenario planning for MNO?
A) Climate change
B) The growth in internet services that facilitate short-term room lets by private landlords.
C) The increase in the use of search apps to book hotel rooms
D) An increase in interest rates
E) A change in local business rates for private property.
質問 # 1 正解: C | 質問 # 2 正解: C | 質問 # 3 正解: C | 質問 # 4 正解: C、D | 質問 # 5 正解: B、C |