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ISTQB Certified Tester AI Testing (v1.0)試験学習資料での高い復習効率
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ISQI ISTQB Certified Tester AI Testing (v1.0) 認定 CT-AI_v1.0_World 試験問題:
1. Which ONE of the following describes a situation of back-to-back testing the LEAST?
A) Comparison of the results of a neural network ML model with a current decision tree ML model for the same data.
B) Comparison of the results of a current neural network model ML model implemented in platform A (for example Pytorch) with a similar neural network model ML model implemented in platform B (for example Tensorflow), for the same data.
C) Comparison of the results of the current neural network ML model on the current data set with a slightly modified data set.
D) Comparison of the results of a home-grown neural network model ML model with results in a neural network model implemented in a standard implementation (for example Pytorch) for same data
2. "AllerEgo" is a product that uses sell-learning to predict the behavior of a pilot under combat situation for a variety of terrains and enemy aircraft formations. Post training the model was exposed to the real- world data and the model was found to bebehaving poorly. A lot of data quality tests had been performed on the data to bring it into a shape fit for training and testing.
Which ONE of the following options is least likely to describes the possible reason for the fall in the performance, especially when considering the self-learning nature of the Al system?
A) The fast pace of change did not allow sufficient time for testing.
B) There was an algorithmic bias in the Al system.
C) The unknown nature and insufficient specification of the operating environment might have caused the poor performance.
D) The difficulty of defining criteria for improvement before the model can be accepted.
3. Pairwise testing can be used in the context of self-driving cars for controlling an explosion in the number of combinations of parameters.
Which ONE of the following options is LEAST likely to be a reason for this incredible growth of parameters?
A) Different features like ADAS, Lane Change Assistance etc.
B) Different Road Types
C) Different weather conditions
D) ML model metrics to evaluate the functional performance
4. A system was developed for screening the X-rays of patients for potential malignancy detection (skin cancer).
A workflow system has been developed to screen multiple cancers by using several individually trained ML models chained together in the workflow.
Testing the pipeline could involve multiple kind of tests (I - III):
I.Pairwise testing of combinations
II.Testing each individual model for accuracy
III.A/B testing of different sequences of models
Which ONE of the following options contains the kinds of tests that would be MOST APPROPRIATE to include in the strategy for optimal detection?
A) I and II
B) Only II
C) I and III
D) Only III
質問 # 1 正解: A | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: D | 質問 # 4 正解: A |