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HP Implementing and Troubleshooting HP Wireless Networks 認定 HP0-Y44 試験問題:
1. A network administrator is troubleshooting a problem with HP MSM APs that fail to become controlled by the HP MSM Controller. The APs are deployed across a layer 3 boundary from the controller, and their DHCP server provides them with the controller's address.
The network administrator observes the following behavior in the controller's web browser interface:
-The APs appear in the Discovered APs section.
-The APs status remains Pending, and the Diagnosis reads Waiting acceptance.
-The APs never progress to a different status.
What might be the problem?
A) The APs are running a different software version from the controller.
B) The controller enforces AP authentication, and the APs have not been authorized.
C) The DHCP option have been misconfigured.
D) The controller does not permit device discovery on the interface on which APs contact it.
E) The controller does not have a route to the APs subnet.
2. The 802.11n radio in one AP supports three spatial streams. The 802.11n radio in another AP supports two spatial streams. Which benefit does the first AP radio provide over the second AP radio?
A) Each spatial streams operates on a slightly different frequency, increasing reliability and resilience to interference.
B) Each spatial stream carries a separate stream of data, increasing bandwidth.
C) Each spatial streams carries the same stream of data, increasing reliability and bandwidth.
D) Each spatial streams can be directed toward a different client, allowing the AP to support higher bandwidth for more clients.
An HP MSM solution includes a VSC with these settings:
-Use the Controller for Authentication = Enabled -Use the Controller for Access control = Disabled -Security = WPA and WPA2 -802.11X authentication = Enabled and Remote
A user attempts to connect to the VLAN. Choose the order in which events occur when the wireless client joins the WLAN.
4. Refer to the exhibit.
An HP MSM solution is experiencing issues. The exhibit shows the controller's IP routes and VLANs windows. Which rule has been violated?
A) Interfaces, including ones defined in VSCs or teaming settings, require unique non-overlapping subnets.
B) Interfaces with the same subnet must configured with the same VLAN ID.
C) The default route should be through the internet port interface not an interface that uses a VLAN tag.
D) Interface with same subnet must be mapped to the same port.
5. Which statement correctly describes the security options available for the local mesh links controlled MSM APs?
A) The link can support WEP only encryption with other preshared key or 802.1 authentication.
B) The mesh ID as a rudimentary password.
C) Administrators can implement WEP, TKIP, or AES/CCMP encryption with preshared keys on the link.
D) The link supports WEP, TKIP, or AES/CCMP encryption either a preshared key or 802.1X authentication, but enforcing 802.1X on the link requires provisioning the AP
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: メンバーにのみ表示されます | 質問 # 4 正解: D | 質問 # 5 正解: C |