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IBM WebSphere MQ V7.0, Solution Design 認定 C9530-376 試験問題:
1. A new WebSphere MQ application with high volume requirements is being designed to run on Solaris. The solution designer is concerned about the performance of the application. The WebSphere MQ for Solaris V7 Performance Evaluation Report SupportPac provides all but one of the following types of information to the solution designer. Which is NOT discussed in this document?
A) Suggestions for tuning WebSphere MQ
B) Information that can be used to size the company new application Information that can be used to size the company? new application
C) Evaluation of the relative cost of persistent messages vs. nonpersistent messages in different scenarios
D) Evaluation of the relative cost of one WebSphere MQ API vs. another in different scenarios
2. Which one of the following statements is true about the use of message properties and message selectors?
A) Filtered out messages are discarded by the queue manager.
B) Message selectors are specified in MQGET calls to filter out unwanted messages.
C) Message selectors are specified in MQOPEN and MQSUB calls to filter out unwantedmessages.
D) MQMD fields but not MQRFH2 fields can be used in selectors like message properties forfiltering.
3. A solution designer is looking to implement a robust failover mechanism as part of a solution, and has decided on utilizing HACMP on AIX. What must be considered when designing the application?
A) WebSphere MQ clustering should be utilized to cluster the queues between the two server nodes.
B) The application needs to be designed to run on multiple servers, and needs to handle heartbeats between application instances.
C) The architecture should be designed to process duplicate transactions in cases where a failover needs to occur.
D) Application log and state information should be stored on shared disk.
4. A solution depends on messages being dropped during a queue manager restart. These messages are defined as nonpersistent. After a queue manager restarts, the solution designer notes that the messages were not dropped as expected but got processed. Which one of the following options is the likely cause?
A) The messages reside on a z/OS shared queue
B) The application is using permanent dynamic queues
C) The application is putting the messages to a QALIAS with DEFPSIST(NO), however the targetqueue has DEFPSIST(YES) set
D) The application has not set persistence, and the default persistence at the QMGR level isDEFPSIST(YES)
5. An application running on Unix is reading MQ messages that were created on z/OS and consist of multimedia content. A small percentage of the messages are large. The application should allocate a big buffer only when needed. The queue is opened with the MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE and the MQOO_BROWSE option. In addition to MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST, which options should be used for getting messages?
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: C | 質問 # 3 正解: D | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: A |