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私たちはM2170-657試験認定分野でよく知られる会社として、プロのチームにIBM i2 Intelligence Sales Mastery Test v1試験復習問題の研究と開発に専念する多くの専門家があります。したがって、我々のSales Mastery試験学習資料がM2170-657試験の一流復習資料であることを保証することができます。私たちは、Sales Mastery M2170-657試験サンプル問題の研究に約10年間集中して、候補者がM2170-657試験に合格するという目標を決して変更しません。私たちのM2170-657試験学習資料の質は、IBM専門家の努力によって保証されています。それで、あなたは弊社を信じて、我々のIBM i2 Intelligence Sales Mastery Test v1最新テスト問題集を選んでいます。
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ほとんどの候補者にとって、特にオフィスワーカー、M2170-657試験の準備は、多くの時間とエネルギーを必要とする難しい作業です。だから、適切なM2170-657試験資料を選択することは、M2170-657試験にうまく合格するのに重要です。高い正確率があるM2170-657有効学習資料によって、候補者はIBM i2 Intelligence Sales Mastery Test v1試験のキーポイントを捉え、試験の内容を熟知します。あなたは約2日の時間をかけて我々のM2170-657試験学習資料を練習し、M2170-657試験に簡単でパスします。
IBM i2 Intelligence Sales Mastery Test v1 認定 M2170-657 試験問題:
1. In terms of ease of use, what is one of the key benefits provided to new users by IBM i2 iBase?
A) IBM i2 iBase is a programmers dream in that all aspects of its design, configuration, and use, remain under direct control of highly skilled prgrammers at all times, thus ensuring optimum flexibility.
B) IBM i2 iBase is a database administrators dream in that all aspects of its schema design, configuration, and user remain under direct control of a team of highly skilled database administrators at all times, thus ensuring optimum flexibility.
C) Using IBM i2 iBase, it is easy to design a solution for a users data needs: the schema can be designed by a user's organization to meet its data needs and configured using an intuitive user interface without need to SQL or programming skills.
D) IBM i2 iBase does not need any IT skills to install, configure, and use.
2. What is the purpose of semantic searching and matching in IBM i2 Analyst Notebook?
A) The intelligent semantic searching and matching capabilities save time for analysts by initiating "analyst-like" data collation techniques and applying data quality control processes to help overcome the challenges of identifying non-obvious duplicates.
B) The intelligent semantic searching and matching capabilities enable searching for words that sound the same.
C) The intelligent semantic searching and matching capabilities are a useful way of ensuring that no two icons have the same properties within a single Analyst Notebook chart.
D) The intelligent semantic searching and matching capabilities enable data in a chart to be compared with internet search engine results to provide easy matching.
3. How can using the IBM i2 Information Exchange Visualiser (iXv) help organizations increase productivity?
A) iXv removes the need for most organizations to invest in any other business information technology because it enables a simple understanding of all the issues through a single interface.
B) The great benefit of iXv is that it enables web based searching and visualization of social media sites.
C) Internet navigation tools increase the capability for users to analyze more data in a text format and this speeds up the decision making process.
D) Simple intuitive navigation reduces the need for end-user training, the visual format allows relationships, trends, and connections in the data to be discovered instantly and rapid data interpretation enables users to analyze more data than they could in a text format and speeds up the decision making process.
4. Among the IBM i2 suite of tools are technologies that can connect to other data sources. Both IBM i2 iBridge and IBM iXA Search AN 2 connect to other databases - what are the key additional features that i2 iXa Search An 2 provides over IBM i2 iBridge?
A) Smart Searching, Find Semantics, Secure connection to data sources over internet, Search across multiple data sources, Individual data source show details, in- chart expand, Export results to MS Excel, and Connectivity to other data sources.
B) Smart Find, Visual connection to internet data, Single search across social media sites, Multimedia source show details, multimedia source expand and post-chart analysis.
C) There is no difference between IBM i2 iBridge and IBM i2 iXa Search AN 2, except that iBridge is a cloud based technology and iXa is a server tool.
D) Smart Searching, Find Similar, Secure connection to data sources over internet, single search across multiple data sources, multi data source show details, multi data source expand, pre-chart analysis, export results to MS Excel, and connectivity to other data sources (including non relational sources, Web services).
質問 # 1 正解: C | 質問 # 2 正解: A | 質問 # 3 正解: D | 質問 # 4 正解: D |