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GED Science 認定 GED-Science 試験問題:
1. In the years since the OPEC oil embargo of 1974, increased public attention has been focused on ways to solve the "energy crisis" in the United States. This public awareness has resulted in practical suggestions for consumers, changes in government policy, research aimed at creating scientific advances in renewable energy resources, and more efficient use of existing energy resources.
Which method can be tested in a laboratory setting?
A) designing favorable tax systems to encourage use of wind power energy
B) developing an efficient solar energy collector
C) encouraging voluntary energy conservation in the workplace
D) providing tax incentives for nuclear power plants
E) using less electricity in the home
2. There is more vegetation present in areas with mild climates than in areas with harsh climates. Pollen analysis is one of the tools used to study past climates. The diagram at the left shows information about sediments of the same age, sampled from different parts of the world.
Which of the sediments most likely represents the area with the mildest climate?
A) E
B) C
C) D
D) B
E) A
3. Although every living plant or animal differs now from its early ancestors, each still shares some characteristics with its early family members.
In which set do the animals likely share common ancestors?
A) whale, trout, dolphin
B) dog, wolf, coyote
C) cow, sheep, goat
D) horse, zebra, giraffe
E) cat, lion, raccoon
4. The figure below illustrates a workman pushing a box up an inclined plane (ramp). The ramp gives the workman a mechanical advantage (MA) and requires less effort. This setup provides an MA, which represents the length of the ramp's slope (4 meters) divided by its height (1 meter).
How would you increase the MA of the ramp for this worker?
A) Increase the length of the ramp.
B) Increase the length of the cart.
C) Increase the height of the box.
D) Increase the height of the ramp.
E) Pull the box.
5. There are usually thirty-two teeth in the mouth of an adult human. They are divided into four groups: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. The diagram below shows the arrangement of these teeth in the mouth.
Which statement best explains why your teeth have so many shapes?
A) All the teeth in your mouth are used for the same purpose.
B) Each tooth has a specialized biting or chewing function.
C) Teeth allow you to swallow more effectively.
D) The different shapes allow all of the teeth to fit in your mouth.
E) The different shapes had a purpose in prehistoric man but not in the modern man.
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: C | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: B |