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様々な復習資料が市場に出ていることから、多くの候補者は、どの資料が適切かを知りません。この状況を考慮に入れて、私たちはGED GED-Scienceの無料ダウンロードデモを候補者に提供します。弊社のウェブサイトにアクセスしてGED Science Examデモをダウンロードするだけで、GED-Science試験復習問題を購入するかどうかを判断するのに役立ちます。多数の新旧の顧客の訪問が当社の能力を証明しています。私たちのGED-Science試験の学習教材は、私たちの市場におけるファーストクラスのものであり、あなたにとっても良い選択だと確信しています。
GED Science Exam試験学習資料での高い復習効率
ほとんどの候補者にとって、特にオフィスワーカー、GED-Science試験の準備は、多くの時間とエネルギーを必要とする難しい作業です。だから、適切なGED-Science試験資料を選択することは、GED-Science試験にうまく合格するのに重要です。高い正確率があるGED-Science有効学習資料によって、候補者はGED Science Exam試験のキーポイントを捉え、試験の内容を熟知します。あなたは約2日の時間をかけて我々のGED-Science試験学習資料を練習し、GED-Science試験に簡単でパスします。
GED Science 認定 GED-Science 試験問題:
1. The death rate from heart disease fell more than 8 percent in just one year during the 1980s. Advances in public awareness of heart disease and in treatments for it are thought to be partially responsible for the decline. New heart drugs, a technique called angioplasty for clearing the arteries, and surgical advances have also assisted in reducing heart disease fatalities, as has increased interest in a healthy lifestyle and diet.
Which of the following was a contributing factor for the more than 8-percent decrease in heart disease mortality between 1988 and 1989?
A) Sunscreen products were used more frequently.
B) More people used the "buddy system" while engaging in strenuous activities.
C) Exercise fads became less popular.
D) New kinds of heart medicine became available for public use.
E) More people regularly slept 8 hours per night.
2. After a hard rainfall, some of the falling water runs off into streams and is carried away. Some water moves down into Earth's soil and is used by plants.
The remaining water goes back into Earth's atmosphere as a result of which process?
A) evaporation
B) erosion
C) filtration
D) precipitation
E) condensation
3. In a suspension, two materials will mix together only temporarily. One material does not dissolve into the other, but stays suspended only until gravity pulls it down.
Which is an example of a suspension?
A) bleach
B) muddy water
C) ice water
D) carbon dioxide and water
E) colored water
4. Which household compound is hazardous when combined with sodium hypochlorite, which is found in bleach?
A) ammonia solution
B) 5% alcohol solution
C) dilute sodium hydroxide solution
D) cooking oil
E) lemon juice
5. Touch sensors of nerves adapt to some degree after they have been stimulated for a period of time. On the first touch, a very high impulse rate of nerve signals is sent to the brain. But the rate then slows until some sensors stop responding altogether.
Which of the following is an example of the nerve touch sensors slowing down?
A) A person gets very sunburned and turns red.
B) A person gets a painful blister from repetitive motion against an object.
C) A person is wearing eyeglasses, but doesn't feel them.
D) A person has a cut that heals quickly.
E) A person gets a bruise that hurts at the touch.
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: A | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: C |