現代技術は人々の生活と働きの仕方を革新します(E3試験学習資料)。 広く普及しているオンラインシステムとプラットフォームは最近の現象となり、IT業界は最も見通しがある業界(E3試験認定)となっています。 企業や機関では、候補者に優れた教育の背景が必要であるという事実にもかかわらず、プロフェッショナル認定のようなその他の要件があります。それを考慮すると、適切なCIMA E3 Strategic Management試験認定は候補者が高給と昇進を得られるのを助けます。
私たちはE3試験認定分野でよく知られる会社として、プロのチームにE3 Strategic Management試験復習問題の研究と開発に専念する多くの専門家があります。したがって、我々のCIMA Strategic Level Case Study Exam試験学習資料がE3試験の一流復習資料であることを保証することができます。私たちは、CIMA Strategic Level Case Study Exam E3試験サンプル問題の研究に約10年間集中して、候補者がE3試験に合格するという目標を決して変更しません。私たちのE3試験学習資料の質は、CIMA専門家の努力によって保証されています。それで、あなたは弊社を信じて、我々のE3 Strategic Management最新テスト問題集を選んでいます。
E3 Strategic Management試験学習資料での高い復習効率
ほとんどの候補者にとって、特にオフィスワーカー、E3試験の準備は、多くの時間とエネルギーを必要とする難しい作業です。だから、適切なE3試験資料を選択することは、E3試験にうまく合格するのに重要です。高い正確率があるE3有効学習資料によって、候補者はE3 Strategic Management試験のキーポイントを捉え、試験の内容を熟知します。あなたは約2日の時間をかけて我々のE3試験学習資料を練習し、E3試験に簡単でパスします。
様々な復習資料が市場に出ていることから、多くの候補者は、どの資料が適切かを知りません。この状況を考慮に入れて、私たちはCIMA E3の無料ダウンロードデモを候補者に提供します。弊社のウェブサイトにアクセスしてE3 Strategic Managementデモをダウンロードするだけで、E3試験復習問題を購入するかどうかを判断するのに役立ちます。多数の新旧の顧客の訪問が当社の能力を証明しています。私たちのE3試験の学習教材は、私たちの市場におけるファーストクラスのものであり、あなたにとっても良い選択だと確信しています。
CIMA E3 Strategic Management 認定 E3 試験問題:
1. ZZZ is a retailing Organization that is suffering falling market share and falling profits.
ZZZ has a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who is urgently setting up a strategic performance evaluation system. This will involve identifying Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and then monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Advise the CEO which of the following statements is suitable for the role that a Chartered Global Management Accountant should undertake.
A) Develop KPIs from a range of external data and report on ZZZ's performance against them.
B) Help strategic management to clarify CSFs then develop KPIs, and report on ZZZ's performance against them.
C) Identify CSFs, develop KPIs, and report on ZZZ's performance against them.
D) Act as a change leader in developing the strategic performance evaluation system.
2. MM is a business which sells entertainment products. MM now wants to move to a position where it uses e-business as a fundamental part of its business strategy.
Which of the following benefits would result from MM's use of e-business? Select ALL that apply.
A) A reduction in labour turnover and higher morale.
B) Better control of information.
C) Cost reductions because of lower overheads and cheaper procurement.
D) An increased use of tacit knowledge.
E) Increased online revenues.
F) Better control information through monitoring website activity.
3. BB Laundry Company is a community-led franchise initiative, enabling its customers to make use of state-of-the-art washing machines for its customers' domestic laundry needs. Services include self-serve or fully serviced washing and ironing services, provided by on-site volunteer staff.
Its laundry sites are powered with solar or wind power and its washing machines use water-conserving technology Non-toxic soaps and detergents are available, as well as bio-degradable clothes hangers, mend and repair services, combined with community cafes.
Which of the following would be beneficial to BB Laundry Company for external reporting of its key performance outcomes?
A) Process Benchmarking Analysis (PBA)
B) Triple Bottom Line (TBL)
C) Shareholder Value Analysis (SVA)
D) Economic Value Added (EVA)
4. Which TWO of the following benefits could be achieved through the use of Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Reporting?
A) It is easy to quantify the environmental measures included
B) It is a straightforward and easy method for measuring targets.
C) It can ensure consistency in maximising stakeholder goals
D) lt can result in cost savings.
E) It may attract ethically aware customers.
5. Strategy is usually described as having three different levels: namely corporate strategy, business strategy and functional strategy. Which of the following are corporate strategies? Select ALL that apply.
A) A company has decided to diversify into a new industry
B) A company has decided to implement a price cut to increase its market share.
C) A company has decided to implement a cloud based disaster-recovery strategy.
D) A company has decided to implement pay equality for all its employees
E) A company has decided to liquidate its assets and go out of business.
F) A company has decided to invest to increase its levels of service to its key customers.
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: C、E、F | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: D、E | 質問 # 5 正解: A、E |