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Motorola Solutions Design WLan Solutions 認定 MSC-121 試験問題:
1. The centralized WLAN is actually a hub-and-spoke architecture that requires backhaul of virtually all wireless traffic to a controller (the hub). This hub-and-spoke architecture can create costly scalability and performance issues for$02.11n networks. Motorola's WiNG 5 WLAN 802.11n capable distributed architecture is designed to overcome these challenges.
Some of the challenges are listed below:
Which of the following is another Hub and Spoke challenge that is addressed by the WiNG 5 architecture?
A) Extended seamless roaming from mobile devices with no latency
B) Non Peak Application bandwidth down time
C) Dependent networks can only scale to the processing limitations of the controller and available bandwidth of the network.
D) Eliminates the need for a controller in large networks
2. You have just shown your assistant that increasing the number of simultaneous clients connected to the same access point has a significant negative impact on data throughput. Which of the following items, in addition to this would have a similar effect on data throughput?
A) Changing from an 802.11/b/g network to 802.11g only
B) The presence of an 802.11b client on an 802.11 g WLAN
C) Antenna height of the access point
D) The presence of 802.11g clients in an 802.11 b network
3. Network Layer TCP/IP packets that are prepared to be sent across the 802.11 wireless medium are commonly known as which of the following?
A) MAC service switch unit
B) MAC service data unit
C) PHY layer service data unit
D) LLC sub-layer data unit
E) MAC protocol data unit
4. During a review of client performance requirements it becomes known that seamless roaming must occur between the various areas of the WLAN. Seamless roaming can only occur when certain requirements are met. For example, Pre-shared keys must match on the client and on any subsequent access points. Which of the following are also prerequisites for seamless roaming (select TWO)?
A) Open authentication must be used
B) SSIDs must match
C) Radio bands must match
D) Frames may not be encrypted
E) Clients must support promiscuous mode
5. A customer has a warehouse that tends to fluctuate inventory frequently. They have noticed that when the warehouse is very full, the mobile clients they are using have data connection issues when moving down the aisles (dropped connections). When the warehouse is less full, the clients operate fine. They are using standalone AP7131N's running WiNG 5. What best describes their issue and how it can be resolved?
A) The issue is co-channel interference and can be resolved by adding additional APs in areas that experience this issue.
B) The issue is coverage holes and can be resolved by using SmartRF, configured to maintain device SNR.
C) The issue is multipath and can be resolved by moving one of the AP7131N radio antennas 6 feet closer to the aisle.
D) The issue is latency and can be resolved by adding APs in all areas of the warehouse.
質問 # 1 正解: C | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: B、C | 質問 # 5 正解: B |