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Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional Exam試験学習資料での高い復習効率
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Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional 認定 Databricks-Certified-Data-Engineer-Professional 試験問題:
1. A CHECK constraint has been successfully added to the Delta table named activity_details using the following logic:
A batch job is attempting to insert new records to the table, including a record where latitude =
45.50 and longitude = 212.67.
Which statement describes the outcome of this batch insert?
A) The write will insert all records except those that violate the table constraints; the violating records will be recorded to a quarantine table.
B) The write will fail when the violating record is reached; any records previously processed will be recorded to the target table.
C) The write will insert all records except those that violate the table constraints; the violating records will be reported in a warning log.
D) The write will include all records in the target table; any violations will be indicated in the boolean column named valid_coordinates.
E) The write will fail completely because of the constraint violation and no records will be inserted into the target table.
2. A Delta Lake table was created with the below query:
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Realizing that the original query had a typographical error, the below code was executed:
ALTER TABLE prod.sales_by_stor RENAME TO prod.sales_by_store
Which result will occur after running the second command?
A) The table name change is recorded in the Delta transaction log.
B) The table reference in the metastore is updated and all data files are moved.
C) All related files and metadata are dropped and recreated in a single ACID transaction.
D) The table reference in the metastore is updated and no data is changed.
E) A new Delta transaction log Is created for the renamed table.
3. The DevOps team has configured a production workload as a collection of notebooks scheduled to run daily using the Jobs UI. A new data engineering hire is onboarding to the team and has requested access to one of these notebooks to review the production logic.
What are the maximum notebook permissions that can be granted to the user without allowing accidental changes to production code or data?
A) No permissions
B) Can Edit
C) Can Run
D) Can Manage
E) Can Read
4. The data architect has mandated that all tables in the Lakehouse should be configured as external (also known as "unmanaged") Delta Lake tables.
Which approach will ensure that this requirement is met?
A) When configuring an external data warehouse for all table storage, leverage Databricks for all ELT.
B) When the workspace is being configured, make sure that external cloud object storage has been mounted.
C) When a database is being created, make sure that the LOCATION keyword is used.
D) When data is saved to a table, make sure that a full file path is specified alongside the Delta format.
E) When tables are created, make sure that the EXTERNAL keyword is used in the CREATE TABLE statement.
5. The data engineer is using Spark's MEMORY_ONLY storage level. Which indicators should the data engineer look for in the spark UI's Storage tab to signal that a cached table is not performing optimally?
A) Size on Disk is < Size in Memory
B) The number of Cached Partitions> the number of Spark Partitions
C) On Heap Memory Usage is within 75% of off Heap Memory usage
D) The RDD Block Name included the '' annotation signaling failure to cache
E) Size on Disk is> 0
質問 # 1 正解: E | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: E | 質問 # 4 正解: E | 質問 # 5 正解: E |