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WELL Accredited Professional (WELL AP) 認定 WELL-AP 試験問題:
1. The Brightside Company is pursuing WELL Certification under the WELL Building Standard™ for their new office headquarters. One company goal is to better support employees in making healthy eating choices, both at work and at home. What can the Brightside Company do to support and achieve credit under Feature N07:
Nutrition Education Optimization?
A) Provide quarterly nutrition education sessions with an accredited dietitian or nutritionist
B) Implement a policy that requires 30-minute meal breaks for all eligible employees
C) Encourage fruit and vegetable consumption over animal products
D) Reward each employee with an annual stipend for healthy food purchases
2. A project's interior designer is designing a room that will act as a restorative space for future employees to break from work and relax. The space will be at least 75 ft2 (7 m2) plus 1 ft2 (0.1 m2) per regular occupant. It will also include features like dimmable lighting, sound masking and calming colors. What additional element(s) should the interior designer incorporate to contribute towards meeting the requirements of the respective WELL optimization?
A) Activity accessories, such as yoga mats, weights or exercise balls
B) Signage or education materials explaining the intended use of the space
C) A room-booking system for staff to reserve time to use the room
D) A mindfulness training course by a qualified instructor
3. Exposure to which of the following contributes to Orcadian photoentrainment. resulting in a "phase advance'' shift of the circadian phase?
A) Late morning sunlight
B) Early morning sunlight
C) Late afternoon computer monitor illumination
D) tarty evening computer monitor illumination
4. A project team tested their building water supply and found high levels of organic contaminants present. The level detected exceeds the threshold prescribed by the WELL Building Standard™ (WELL™). At minimum, which of the following plumbing fixtures/systems will the project team be required to address?
A) Mechanical cooling towers
B) Irrigation systems
C) Entire building water supply
D) Drinking water dispensers
5. According to Feature: T04 Individual Thermal Control, which of the following is an effective strategy for improving individual thermal comfort in a given space?
A) General thermostats connected to the building's mechanical space conditioning system
B) A humidifier located at the occupants desk
C) Chairs with heating or cooling systems
D) Desk fans that increase air speed in a shared work area
質問 # 1 正解: A | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: D | 質問 # 5 正解: D |