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VMware Certified Associate - Cloud Exam (VCA-Cloud) 認定 VCAC510 試験問題:
1. Your manager is concerned that, even in the cloud, provisioning hundreds or thousands of VMs will result in a lot of redundant storage use. You explain that you can minimize the use of redundant storage with vCloud by making use of which of the following features?
A) Storage DRS
B) Fast Provisioning
C) Snapshots
D) Templates
2. Your manager wants you to make sure your cloud environment is performing well and is not exhibiting any serious problems. Which vCenter Operations Manager Super Metric do you use to help analyze workload, anomalies and faults?
A) Status
B) Performance
C) Risk
D) Health
3. A college intern is asking you which of the vCenter Operations Manager's Super Metrics helps with long-term analysis of your environment. What do you tell her?
A) Efficiency
B) Risk
C) Health
D) Capacity
4. You received an email from your cloud team's senior technical architect asking you to implement snapshots in your cloud where it makes sense to do so. You ask the architect to clarify where in your cloud it would make the most sense to use snapshots. Which of the following is the most likely answer they would give you?
A) vApps: To roll back to their original deployment state
B) Catalogs: To back out any unauthorized changes
C) Development VMs: To roll back code updates
D) Production web servers: To provide a backup of each day's changes
5. After this morning's high-level, sales-oriented cloud seminar, your colleague is still unclear on the relationship between an Org vDC and a Provider vDC and asks you to help explain why you would set up multiple Provider vDCs. What would you tell him?
A) Multiple Provider vDCs are required for organizations which have multiple internal networks
B) Multiple Provider VDCs would allow for segmenting of identical sets of physical hardware
C) Each Org vDC requires its own Provider vDC
D) You want to implement hardware-based resource tiering
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: A | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: A |