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Tibco TIBCO Enterprise Message Service 6 認定 TB0-116 試験問題:
1. Which JMS Exception is thrown when a session.commit is called on a session that is part of an active distributed transaction?
A) InvalidClientIDException
B) IllegalStateException
C) TransactionRolledBackException
D) TransactionInProgressException
2. A TIBCO EMS Server has the following configuration in the stores.conf and queues.conf files:\
stores.conf [filestore-1] type=file file=filestore1.db mode=async [filestore-2] type=file file=filestore2.db mode=sync queues.conf > store=filestore-1 queue1 store=filestore-2 Message swapping is enabled.
What happens when NON_PERSISTENT messages are published on queue1?
A) All the published messages are stored in filestore-2.
B) Messages are moved to filestore-2 when the server reaches certain memory limits.
C) Messages are moved to filestore-1 when the server reaches certain memory limits.
D) All the published messages are stored in filestore-1.
3. Which SSL Routing parameter matches the following description: "Certificate chain member for the server"?
A) ssl_identity
B) ssl_private_key
C) ssl_trusted
D) ssl_rand_egd
E) ssl_issuer
4. Which configuration represents of a correctly configured factory?
A) testFactory type = generic url = tcp://localhost:7222 clientID = testClient multicast_enabled = true
B) [testFactory] type = generic url = tcp://localhost:7222 clientID = test Client connect_attempt_count = 5 connect_attempt_delay = 15 connect_attempt_timeout =5
C) [testFactory] type = generic url = tcp://localhost:7222 type = generic ssl_verify_host = disabled
D) testFactory type = generic url = tcp://localhost:7222 clientID = test Client connect_attempt_count = 5 connect_attempt_delay = 15 connect_attempt_timeout =5
5. Click the Exhibit button.
The figure shows servers A and B, both with configured active routes to one another.
Which statement is true?
A) B needs to configure a user named
B) Because B disables authorization, A needs to identify itself to
C) Because A enables authorization, A must configure a user named A.
D) Because A enables authorization, A must configure a user named B.
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: E | 質問 # 4 正解: B | 質問 # 5 正解: D |