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Simens SOCA Sales Small & Medium Businesses (SMB) 認定 STI-884 試験問題:
1. Which factors create an impetus for customers to invest in communications? (Choose two)
A) The ease of providing users with software that helps them use their PCs as a part of the communication system.
B) The demand of Internet users for tools and software that help them in online transactions.
C) The customers' desire to take advantage of cheaper digital phone services.
D) The rise in new Internet-style voice services from reliable public network providers.
2. How does HiPath Xpressions Compact Mobility help reduce cost of supporting mobile workers?
(Choose two)
A) It provides intelligent, group-based routing of voice calls as well as email and web call-back requests.
B) It helps retrieve voice mail messages free of cost.
C) Through its Call Me! feature, it allows external calls from the mobile worker to be originated by HiPath 3000 rather than the cell phone.
D) Through its One Number feature, it allows employees to give their customers just a standard office phone number.
3. Which model of the Business Communications Manager (BCM) would you choose to serve 20 to 32 stations?
A) BCM 50
B) BCM 200
C) BCM 400
D) BCM 100
4. What are voice systems used for? (Choose three)
A) To aggregate outgoing calls to the public network.
B) To offer enhanced features, such as voicemail services, functionality such as conferencing, and productivity gains to the users.
C) To ensure security of the transmitted data over unsecured infrastructure.
D) To provide internal communication within the business without incurring any carrier or network charges.
5. Which best signifies what to focus the conversation on when interacting with Value Chiefs? (Choose two)
A) Cost Management and financial measurement
B) Operational savings and value
C) Growing the business
D) Increasing productivity
質問 # 1 正解: A、D | 質問 # 2 正解: C、D | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: A、B、D | 質問 # 5 正解: A、B |