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Nokia SDM Certification - PS NSOP 認定 SDM_2002001030 試験問題:
1. During the middle of the night you have learnt that the only way to get a priority site back on air is to take one of the following actions, all of which should allow the SLA to be met. Which option BEST meets both NSN and the customers interests?
A) Send the 'On Call' engineer to collect & deliver the spare part from another region.
B) Take a part from a site undergoing site acceptance.
C) Arrange for a taxi to deliver the spare from another region.
D) Take a part from a site under a lower priority.
2. What is NOT a risk response strategy?
A) Accept.
B) Avoid.
C) Transfer.
D) Report.
3. In the Joint Project Governance Model (part of MS Operations Model). Which of the model levels deal with: Agreement Level Management including change management Program
Initiation and follow up Steering operational activity
A) Joint Steering Level.
B) Executive Management Level.
C) Joint Operational Level.
D) Tactical Management Level.
4. The swiftest and MOST effective communications take place among people with;
A) advanced degrees.
B) good encoding skills.
C) common points of view.
D) the ability to reduce perception barriers.
5. When MUST Outsourcing Deals be subject to presales extra qualification rigour to ensure compliance with outsourcing guidelines for Qualification & QA and Solution Review?
A) When they have a TCV for services of over EUR50 million or require Level C LoA approval.
B) When they are strategic in nature, have a TCV for services of over EUR100 million or require Level A LoA approval.
C) When they have a TCV for services of over EUR20 million or require Level C LoA approval.
D) When they are strategic in nature, have a TCV for services of over EUR80 million or require Level B LoA approval.
質問 # 1 正解: C | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: A | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: D |