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SOA Certified Professional Fundamental SOA & Service-Oriented Computing 認定 S90-01A 試験問題:
1. The distinct ownership and governance requirements introduced by agnostic services can introduce the need for more __________ staff and less __________ staff.
A) development-centric, communication-centric
B) enterprise-centric, project-centric
C) development-centric, quality assurance-centric
D) management-centric, administration-centric
2. Service-oriented architecture must be designed to be both integration-centric and silo-based.
A) False
B) True
3. When planning a transition toward SOA, we are usually required to balance the __________ goals with the __________ requirements.
A) tactical (short-term), unimportant (low priority)
B) strategic (long-term), tactical (short-term)
C) unimportant (low priority), important (high priority)
D) strategic (long-term), unimportant (low priority)
4. Which of the following statements makes sense?
A) None of these statements make sense.
B) I am going to register my new service in the service registry because Service Registration is one of the eight principles of service-orientation.
C) I am going to register my new service in the service registry so that other project teams can
discover it in order to determine whether they should reuse it as part of service-oriented solutions they are planning to build.
D) I am going to register my new service inventory in the service registry in order to improve the performance of my service-oriented solution, because other services in my service composition will be able to dynamically discover and retrieve the new service much faster than if it was not registered in the service registry.
5. You can create __________ or __________ service inventories.
A) domain, process-specific
B) domain, enterprise
C) process-specific, process-wide
D) enterprise, process-specific
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: A | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: B |