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IBM FileNet Image Services Administration and Support Mastery Test v1 認定 P2070-048 試験問題:
1. What is the primary use of FileNet Deployment Manager?
A) Propagating incremental sets of changes from a source environment to a subset of the existing objects in a destination environment
B) Propagating patched files to IBM supplied applications as part of maintenance operations
C) Deployment of the base application into the selected J2EE server
D) Deployment of custom jar files into the selected J2EE server
2. Which event log is automatically created during the creation of an isolated region?
A) VW_EventLog
B) DefaultEventLog
C) EventLog
D) VW_WO System OperationMsg
3. Which of the following is NOT a reason to use the Microsoft Visio diagrams ?
A) Import diagram into P8 Process Designer
B) Ability to map shapes to Process Design objects.
C) Allow you to code System Steps
D) Allow a Business Analyst to document the process
4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE for P8 event subscriptions?
A) "Active content" refers to the ability to trigger activity within the system in response to changes made by users and applications. The users or applications need not be explicitly aware of the actions they are triggering.
B) Although the event subscription subsystem and the audit logging subsystem are not the same thing, there is a close relationship between them.
C) Event handlers are selected from a pre-defined list of actions included in the P8 APIs.
D) A given event can trigger multiple event handlers for related or unrelated purposes.
5. According to IBM recommendations, which database column does NOT need to be indexed in order to improve the performance of the IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine database?
A) tail_id and head_id
B) element_value
C) mime_type
D) security_policy_id
質問 # 1 正解: A | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: C | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: B |