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IBM Lotus Symphony Technical Sales Mastery Test v1 認定 P2040-060 試験問題:
1. Which one of the following does NOT describe mail merge usage?
A) Mail Merge allows you to create a batch of letters to a list of recipients.
B) Mail Merge allows you to create a batch of envelopes for a list of recipients.
C) Mail Merge allows you to print, save or e-mail merged documents.
D) Mail Merge allows you to use datasource from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
2. Mike found some old documents from archive, and the documents are in Lotus 123 format (.123). which of the following statement best describes what Mike can do with the file?
A) Mike cannot open the .123 file using Symphony because it is not a supported format.
B) Mike can open the .123 file and convert it as Symphony-compatible .123 file.
C) Mike can import the .123 file using Symphony and read its content.
D) Mike can open the .123 file using Symphony and read its content.
3. What is a DataPilot table?
A) table of contents in Lotus Symphony Documents
B) reference table which you can map a symbol according to ASCII character in Symphony
C) interactivetable in which you can arrange, rearrange and summarize data according to different point of view
D) table in Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets that maintain the link of data to DB2 database
4. Where do you define how changes suchas insertions, deletions and formatting are displayed in documents?
A) File > Preferences > IBM Lotus Symphony > Lotus SymphonyDocuments > Formatting Aids
B) File > Preferences > IBM Lotus Symphony > Lotus SymphonyDocuments > Changes
C) File > Preferences > IBM Lotus Symphony > Lotus SymphonyDocuments > View
D) File > Preferences > IBM Lotus Symphony > Lotus SymphonySpreadsheet >Changes
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: C | 質問 # 4 正解: B |