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Salesforce Media Cloud Consultant 認定 Media-Cloud-Consultant 試験問題:
1. A media publisher is using advertising sales management to manage their b2b ad sales business using google ad manager. A consultant added a new placement on an existing media plan. When adding the new placement, the media plan remains in an inactive state in GAM. What should the consultant do to clear the inactive state after adding the new placement?
A) delete and create the media campaign again in asm
B) add the creatives to the line items in GAM
C) override creative settings in GAM
D) delete and add the placement again in ASM
2. When using advertising sales managment (ASM), what are the two reccomended ways to integrate with google ad manage (GAM) to retrieve information, such as inventory managment, or to publish a campaign to GAM?
A) check availability integration procedure
B) Pre-Built orchestration plan
C) dataRaptors on Interface Tables
D) apex callable interfaces
3. Acustomer, who is already using the media cloud advertising sales management application, needs the ability to create and edit templates, while also being able to generate documents. Which two managed permissions ets are required for this?
A) MediaCloudPlus Runtime
B) dovGenInd CME runtime User
C) dovGenInd CME digital experience User
D) dovGenInd CME Designer User
4. Acustomer wants to know which products have low reception with the customers. However, the publisher is having a hard time analyzing the data because apportunities reflect only the sold products, excluding products which were once part of an opportunity but were later dropped. What should a consultant ensure is included in the design so that sellers can store and access different version of the proposed media plan and its line items?
A) product schedule functionality
B) product mapping to an active price list
C) quotes, and 'Sync to opportunity' custom button
D) a media plan version field in opportunity line item (OLI)
5. Two Salesforce Developers work for a B2B advertising publishing company. Developers A and B have been working in developer orgs with advertising sales management (ASM) and need to migrate the ASMcomponents to the sandbox org of the company. Developer A migrates the ASM components to the sandbox org. Developer B does the same. After that, Developer A realizes that the components on the sandbox org are different from those of the developer org because they were overwritten by the components of the Developer B. There is no way to go back to recapture them. Which tool should a consultant reccomend to avoid this outcome ?
A) visual studio code
B) IDX workbench
C) a messagin program
D) a version control system
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: A、B | 質問 # 3 正解: B、D | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: D |