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IBM Notes and Domino Fundamentals 認定 LOT-442 試験問題:
1. James has been set up as a roaming user by the IBM Domino Administrator. When James logs in to IBM Notes, he gets a message informing him that the administrator has enabled him as a Notes roaming user. What options are available for James for his roaming user conversion?
A) Convert now, ask again at next login or never ask again.
B) Convert Now or never convert this workstation.
C) Convert now or ask again at next login.
D) Convert Now or delay convert for 1 day.
2. Conway archives frequently but notices that his repeating meetings are not removed as often as he thinks they should be. What might be the cause of this?
A) Repeating meetings remain on the calendar for a one year minimum before archiving will take effect
B) Conway does not have enough ACL rights to archive his meetings more than a few time a year
C) Repeating meetings remain on the calendar until the last meeting is completed regardless of the archiving settings
D) Archiving of repeating meetings is managed by the IBM Domino administrator
3. What is a File Upload Control commonly used to do?
A) Embed a file into the design of an XPage.
B) Attach a file to a document data source.
C) Place a file into the data directory on the IBM Domino server.
D) Add a file to the body of a new e-mail message.
4. What does Joe need to do to enable IBM Notes Traveler in his environment?
A) At a minimum, Joe needs to ensure he has 500 MB free disk space, 512 MB free RAM, and HTTP/HTTPS service.
B) The IBM Domino server needs to be setup in a Web Configuration since Traveler does not support Internet Sites.
C) Joe's users need to be on IBM Notes 8.x or higher.
D) At a minimum, Joe needs to ensure he has 100 MB free disk space and install HTTP/HTTPS.
5. Blacklists, whitelists private blacklists and private whitelists are enabled on the IBM Domino server. What is the search order of the lists that takes place when an inbound SMTP message is processed when coming from an unknown host?
A) blacklist private blacklist whitetist private whitelist
B) private whitelist, private blacklist whitelist. Blacklist
C) whitelist blacklist, private whitelist private blacklist
D) whitelist. private whitelist blacklist, private blacklist
質問 # 1 正解: A | 質問 # 2 正解: C | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: B |