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USGBC LEED AP Interior Design + Construction (LEED AP ID+C) V4 認定 LEED-AP-ID-C 試験問題:
1. The use of MERV 13 (F7) air filters is required to obtain what credit?
A) Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Advanced Energy Metering
B) Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan
C) Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Optimize Energy Performance
D) Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies
2. In a goal-setting workshop, a decision is made to place circulation at the exterior of the office perimeter next to the window wall. Which of the following is an example of integrated decision-making?
A) Lowering the heating set-point in the circulation space to conserve energy
B) Installing blinds to increase occupant comfort
C) Darkening the color of the carpet along the perimeter to aid way-finding
D) Issuing user guidelines which limit the height of occupant additions to cubicles along the perimeter
3. A proposed LEED project will be located within the boundary of a development that has been successfully certified at the Silver level under LEED for Neighborhood Development. The project will earn 10 points from the Location and Transportation Credit, LEED for Neighborhood Development Location. How many additional credit points are available to the project team under the Location and Transportation category?
A) Eight additional points are available under the Location and Transportation category
B) Two additional points are available only in Location and Transportation Reduced Parking Footprint
C) Zero additional points are available under the Location and Transportation category
D) 18 additional points are available under the Location and Transportation category
4. A project owner is seeking Location & Transportation Credit, Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses for an office that is being relocated. In order to promote walkability and reduce the distance driven by employees, which of the following solutions should the project owner consider?
A) A location that is within 1/2 mi. (0.80 km) of four different basic services
B) An employee survey measuring occupant usage of public transit
C) An employee transportation management plan
D) A location that has retail shops within the same building
5. In addition to the Material Type, what other information needs to be included in the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Calculation?
A) Donated waste, landfill waste, percentage of cardboard with recycled content, diverted waste
B) Waste stream, total waste, diverted waste, waste to landfill
C) Percentage of alternative daily cover (ADC) produced by the sorting facility, total of donated items, total of wood recycled, total of wood reused
D) Waste volume, commingled waste, wood for energy, reused items
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: A | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: B |