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返金するポリシーはありますか? 失敗した場合、どうすれば返金できますか?
あなたのPCにダウンロードしてインストールすると、HP HP2-B120テスト問題を練習し、'練習試験'と '仮想試験'2つの異なるオプションを使用してあなたの質問と回答を確認することができます。
仮想試験 - 時間制限付きに試験問題で自分自身をテストします。
練習試験 - 試験問題を1つ1つレビューし、正解をビューします。
あなたは5-10分以内にHP HP2-B120試験参考書を付くメールを受信します。そして即時ダウンロードして勉強します。購入後にHP2-B120試験参考書を入手しないなら、すぐにメールでお問い合わせください。
HP Selling HP EMEA cMPS 認定 HP2-B120 試験問題:
1. What are the partner benefits of being in the cMPS program? (Select two.)
A) Ability to download printer drivers
B) End-to-end customer engagement
C) Better understanding the assessment phase, installation, configuration, and page counter collection of HP machines
D) HP Pricing support for hardware, services, and supplies
E) Ability to speak with HP support engineers about printer problems
2. What is big data?
A) Typical data flow in an office with 100 or more nodes and 50 or more people
B) Print jobs or digital sending jobs that are larger than 10 MB of encrypted or plain text data
C) Collections of information that are so large and complex, they are difficult to process and manage
D) Data stored on a RAID array or similar central data base storage device
3. What is a HP Contractual Cartridge?
A) HP original cartridge shipped in different packaging with the suffix C
B) HP original cartridge with twice the page yield
C) Any HP cartridge being used within the cMPS program
D) A partner's own clone supplies being used in the cMPS program
4. Which device and supplies pacing is included within the cMPS pricing tool?
A) List price aligned to the region you selected when you downloaded the tool
B) Netbuysprices based on your specific region where pre-approved discounts are in place
C) All pricing in the tool is based on an average list price set across EMEA
D) No pricing information is within the tool. The partner needs to apply list prices of devices and supplies into the tool,and thenapply local-based discounts
5. Do HP partners participating in the program get a discount on the HP original supplies used in Channel Managed Print Services contracts?
A) Yes discounts on HP original supplies are provided through the distributor participating in the SCRP program.
B) Yes resellers get S10 or 7 Euro per month, per toner cartridge extra.
C) Yes resellers get 8% on the total contract value paid by HP once a year.
D) No, rebates are linked to hardware only.
質問 # 1 正解: A、B | 質問 # 2 正解: C | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: C |