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Huawei HCIE-Cloud Service Solutions Architect V1.0 認定 H13-831 試験問題:
1. Which of the following descriptions about the source and destination networks of the DRS migration database are correct? (Multiple choice)
A) When the databases of other public cloud platforms are migrated to HUAWEI CLOUD, they can be migrated by public IP interoperability.
B) DRS can migrate both relational databases and non-relational databases such as MonoDB.
C) When the source mySQL database and the target RDS cloud database are not in the same VPC, DRS automatically opens up the VPC network connection.
D) When the local database is moved to the Huawei public cloud, it can be migrated by means of VPN interoperability.
2. Which of the following scenarios does not reflect the characteristics of cloud native applications?
A) The version of an e-commerce platform is frequently released and updated. In order to solve the problem of customer loss during system upgrade and maintenance, the container gray-scale release method is used to achieve smooth version switching.
B) A small website uses virtual machines to deploy services. In order to cope with the problem of overload caused by the sudden increase in traffic during peak hours, elastic scaling is used to automatically expand the virtual machine resources.
C) An enterprise needs to transform offline systems into microservices and migrate to the cloud. In order to shorten the development cycle, use DevOps to develop and transform services.
D) A game platform uses container technology to obtain the ability to quickly release service resources during peak business periods and solves the problem of low resource utilization under peak loads.
3. Huawei Cloud OBS storage supports server-side encryption with the key provided by the KMS service, and at the same time, the encrypted files can be shared with other users on the 0BS console.
4. When users use HUAWEI CLOUD SMS to migrate window hosts, the basic unit of file system block (Block) is used for migration, and only valid block data is migrated to the destination server, thereby improving migration efficiency.
5. When the user uses the Huawei Cloud 0ST tool to migrate the object storage.
Which of the following situations requires resource assessment in the migration material?
A) The data capacity in the source bucket exceeds 3T, and the number of objects exceeds 3 million.
B) The data capacity in the source bucket exceeds 3T, and the number of objects exceeds 5 million.
C) The data capacity in the source bucket exceeds 5T, and the number of objects exceeds 5 million.
D) The data capacity in the source bucket exceeds 1T, and the number of objects exceeds 3 million.
質問 # 1 正解: A、B、C、D | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: B |