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GED Language Arts - Writing (Essay Writing Exam) 認定 GED-Writing 試験問題:
1. -- Exhibit -
Comics:A Window on Life
A) no correction is necessary
B) remove the comma after characters
C) change they are to they were
D) When I was a child.B.A clergyman said that he read the comic strips in the daily paper every day.C.This amazed me because I believed that comics was for the young.D.I thought adults considered comics juvenile.E."But no,"he said."Comic strips can give you an insight into the human condition the way people think and behave." (6) Today, most would agree that he will be right.(7) The wide range of topics treated in the daily comic strips doesn't miss much about how people live their lives.
A popular comic strip subject is family life.(9) Strips on the family range from stay-athome parenting with all its joys and trials to when the kids went to a restaurant with all the things that can go wrong there.(10) Some strips deal with sibling relationships.(11) Others explore adolescence and the stresses of children becoming more independent.(12) The humorous look at the role of husbands and wives in the family also makes for interesting reading.
Pets have been playing an important role in comic strips.(14) Sometimes they are secondary to the human characters, the family dog, or rabbit, but sometimes it is the whole point of the strip.(15) Who can resist a cynical self-centered cat or a lolloping, brainless dog, especially if it gets the better of the humans?
Comic strips allow people to laugh at themselves and their very human failings.(17) A little light is brought into our lives by them for a brief moment each day.(18) They are also a barometer of popular culture, telling what the social trends are and how some people regard them.(19) If the comic strips suddenly disappeared from the newspapers, society would lose a valuable piece of its culture. -- Exhibit -Sentence 1 Sometimes they are secondary to the human characters, the family dog, or rabbit, but sometimes it is the whole point of the strip. Which correction should be made to sentence 14?
E) replace whole with hole
F) replace it is with they are
2. -- Exhibit- -- Exhibit -
Sentence 1Are the people of Medford ready to see Marvin's Hardware, whose owners have been in the same location for more than seventy-five years, dessert its location forever?
Which correction should be made to sentence 11?
A) no correction is necessary
B) remove the comma after Hardware,
C) replace dessert with desert
D) replace its with it's
E) replace whose with who's
3. -- Exhibit-
-- Exhibit --
Sentence Painting a room can be either a pleasure or a nightmare, depending on how
careful you're planning is.
Which correction should be made to sentence 1?
A) no correction is necessary
B) remove the comma after nightmare
C) insert a comma after pleasure
D) replace you're with your
E) replace or with and
4. -- Exhibit-
-- Exhibit -
Sentence 9:I would also encourage staff to make every effort to file the reports correct and return them to the files after using them.
Which is the best way to write the underlined portion of this sentence? If the original is the best way, choose optionA.
A) correctly and returned
B) correct and return
C) correct but return
D) correctly and return
E) correctly and to returning
5. -- Exhibit -
The Internet
A) change continue to continues
B) replace too with to
C) insert a comma after way
D) We use the Internet or hear about it almost daily.B.However, there was a time when the Internet was known to just a network of scientists who used it as a means to communicate research information.C.They lived all over the world, the idea of calling on the phone was a major problem and a major expense.D.Faxing was a problem also if they wanted to keep their ideas secret.E.This group of international scientists needed a means to share their information with each other.
In 1989, computer scientist Timothy Berners-Lee created a system that enabled an elite group of scientists to communicate with one another.(7) The original goal of the scientists is to share information that was number- and text-based.(8) This format was an easy procedure for the early computers and computer programs to use.
Many other people were interested in this"new"exchange of information for a few reasons.(10) It was much cheaper than a long distance phone call or fax, and it provided some privacy.(11) Soon, others were experimenting with this new communication
device.(12) Eventually, a group of people at the Massachusetts Institute of technology developed the World Wide Web.
Changes that are made in computers and the way they communicate with each other
provide the opportunity for the Web to evolve.(14) This evolution continue to change the
way we all communicatewith each other, too.(15) To do more than just communicate today,
the Web is used.(16) Its a valuable marketing and selling tool for businesses.(17) How
interesting to think of the many new ways that this technology shaping our future.
-- Exhibit --
Sentence 1This evolution continue to change the way we all communicate with each other,
Which correction should be made to sentence 14?
E) change change to changes
F) remove the comma after other
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: C | 質問 # 3 正解: D | 質問 # 4 正解: D | 質問 # 5 正解: D |