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GED Social Studies 認定 GED-Social-Studies 試験問題:
1. The map above shows how the 50 U.S. states voted on the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).
(The ERA proposed to guarantee equal rights under the law to all persons, regardless of gender.)
Based on the map, which statement about support for the ERA in 1985 is true?
A) No regional patterns existed in support of the ERA.
B) All of the original thirteen colonies opposed the ER
C) Support for the ERA was limited to states west of the Mississippi.
D) The states of the Pacific Northwest were opposed to ratification of the ERA.
E) Opposition to the ERA was strong in the states in the Southeast.
2. Exhibit: Which conclusion about the extent of UN forces between 1945 and 2001 is best supported by the map?
A) UN missions were needed most in industrial nations.
B) North and South America would not allow UN forces in their countries.
C) UN forces worked in parts of Africa and Southwest Asia.
D) UN forces failed in Central America.
E) European nations did not support UN forces.
3. -- Exhibit -
For hundreds of years, a huge desert, the Sahara, separated and protected West Africa from European and Asian armies. However, eventually, between the years 1000 and 1500 A.D., Arab Muslim trading caravans from the north and east linked the trading world to three African kingdoms, one of which was Ghana. Ghana's king ruled more than a million people by the 11th century A.D. Ghana became a rich empire because it controlled the trade routes between the salt mines in the Sahara and the gold mines farther south. The Muslim kings of Mali conquered Ghana by the end of the 13th century. Mali's capital city, Timbuktu, became a great center of Islamic religion, learning, art, and trade.The Emperor Mansa Musa made Mali the center of gold production and African-Eurasian trade.
Eventually, the Songhai Empire conquered Mali in 1468 A.D. The empire reestablished Timbuktu as a great Muslim trading center in West Africa. Traders throughout Africa sought Songhai's tin and leather products. Songhai grew and ultimately controlled an area of 1,500 miles across West Africa.
Adapted from The Age of Calamity, A.D. 1300-1400 (Richmond, Va.: Time-Life Books, 1989), 143-148; T. Walter Wallbank et al., History and Life, 4th ed. (Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman, and Co., 1993) 283-286, 324-329.
-- Exhibit -Which conclusion about the history of West African states is best supported by the information?
A) Tropical rain forests isolated West African states from visitors.
B) Islam was an important part of the culture.
C) Cities did not develop there.
D) The climate was too harsh for human settlement.
E) European governments controlled the region.
4. -- Exhibit- -- Exhibit -
Based on the map at the left, which statement about average spending on elementary and secondary students is most accurate?
A) California spends less than New Jersey.
B) Larger states spend more than smaller states.
C) Washington and Wyoming spend the same amount.
D) Rhode Island spends the least amount.
E) State revenue does not contribute to public education.
5. The data in the graph to the left reflect a development in the U.S. workplace that began after World War II.
If the percentages shown in the graph increase over time, which development would most likely occur?
A) The United States would depend less on women in the workforce.
B) Fewer women would be admitted to law and medical schools.
C) Women's demand for life insurance coverage would decrease.
D) Flexible scheduling and child-care benefits would become more important.
E) Women would pay lower taxes than men.
質問 # 1 正解: E | 質問 # 2 正解: C | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: D |