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Linux Foundation FinOps Certified Practitioner 認定 FOCP 試験問題:
1. This domain includes the capabilities that look at past and current spend, set baselines and budgets, and then forecast spend.
A) Cloud Usage Optimization
B) Performance Tracking & Benchmarking
C) Understanding Cloud Usage & Cost
D) Organizational Alignment
2. Each major cloud provider labels the platforms 'allocation metadata' a specific way.
How does AWS name the allocation metadata? (Select One)
A) "Resource tags", "Linked Accounts" and "groups"
B) "Subscriptions", "resource groups" and "resource tags"
C) "Resource tags", "Linked Accounts" and "Organizations"
D) "Subscription'. 'Labels" and "billing accounts"
3. Which of the following are some common reasons it can be harder to bill and report on Kubernetes costs? (Select Two)
A) Containerized environments are less dynamic than non-containerized ones
B) One-to-one mappings of tags to specific teams do not allows cover some of the complex use cases that container utilization can create.
C) Kubernetes clusters are never shared with applications run by any number of teams
D) Containerized environments are much more dynamic than non-containerized ones
4. FinOps Principles are north stars that guide the activities of our FinOps practice. These principles are clearly broken down and we must encourage members to practice these. When it comes to these principles which of the following activities would be under the 'Teams need to Collaborate' principle? (Select One)
A) Fast feedback loops result in more efficient behavior
B) Rightsizing instances and services help drive appropriate resourcing levels
C) Gain visibility into cloud spend at all levels
D) Define governance and controls for cloud usage
5. __________ is critical to making the FinOps team successful.
A) Leadership buy-in
B) Finance buy-in
C) All of the above
D) Engineering buy-in
質問 # 1 正解: C | 質問 # 2 正解: C | 質問 # 3 正解: B、D | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: C |