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SAP Certified Product Support Specialist - SAP Hybris Commerce 6.0 認定 E_HYCPS_60 試験問題:
1. Which are the goals of WCMS in Hybris?
A) Control to display content base on the context (time, user,..)
B) c. the rule will be evaluated again next time the entire segment is evaluated
C) Save time for developer to create jsp or tag file.
D) It provides an intuitive, graphic user interface for data presentation and management.
E) Allow non-tech user to manage content in site.
2. Which statements about the baseSite items are true?
A) the default purpose of a baseSite is to represent a physical point of service(POS)
B) if no baseSite is defined, the default, generated basedSite will be used
C) if no point of service is defined, the default, generated baseSite will be used
D) the main purpose of a baseSite is to represent a single channel of access
3. In the hybris WCMS module, which of the following are true statements?
A) personalization based on User, Group, Date and Time is supported (We have Restrictions like time, User, Product , category using which we can control display of content based )
B) the hSE (hybris search engine) is the recommended search engine for faceted searching
C) multi-Site, Multi-Language, Multi User is supported
D) liveEdit mode can only be implemented if JSP is used as the Front End technology (Comment - did not check in wiki, please check if possible)
4. Which of the following activities are recommended to make your hybris instance secure?
A) removing the admin and productmanager accounts and replacing them with your own named accounts with equivalent access rights
B) create a new database user account with limited access rights, for managers who don't need admin access.
C) changing the Tomcat manager user and password in the project properties file
D) changing the default hybris password
5. Consider a BTG segment which is made up of rules . When processing this segment for a particular user, what happens when one of those rules is fulfilled( evaluates to true)?
A) the rule will be evaluated again next time the entire segment is evaluated
B) the rule will not be evaluated again the next time the entire segment is evaluated
C) The entire segment will be marked as fulfilled regardless of the result of evaluation of other rules.
D) the entire segment will be marked as fulfilled only when all other rules in the segmnet are fulfilled
質問 # 1 正解: A、C、D、E | 質問 # 2 正解: C、D | 質問 # 3 正解: A、C、D | 質問 # 4 正解: B、C、D | 質問 # 5 正解: A |