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SAP Certfied Development Associate - Process Integration with SAP NetWeaver (PI 7.3) (C_TBIT44_73) 認定 C_TBIT44_73 試験問題:
1. How does WS Reliable Messaging (WS-RM) protocol ensure the reliable delivery of messages?
A) By using the tRFC protocol for communication
B) By specifying a sequence ID in the SOAP header of the message
C) By sending a WS acknowledgment
D) By signing the SOAP header and compressing the payload of the message
2. You want to build a proxy based on a service interface.
Where in Enterprise Services Repository can you define the required message type? (Choose two)
A) In a local software component
B) In any software component independent of the service's interface software component
C) In the same software component as the service interface
D) In a software component that underlies service's interface software component
3. Which of the following are characteristics of enterprise services? (Choose two)
A) They can be used to extend BAPIs.
B) They are semantically harmonized across applications.
C) They are based on global data types.
D) They can be easily used as imported archive objects.
4. Which conversion parameters are available in the SOAP adapter? (Choose two)
A) File Content Conversion
B) Sync/Async Bridge
C) Do Not Use SOAP Envelope
D) Keep Headers
5. What is the purpose of the JMS adapter?
A) To communicate with a mail server synchronously
B) To communicate with a mail server asynchronously
C) To communicate with a messaging system synchronously
D) To communicate with a messaging system asynchronously
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: C、D | 質問 # 3 正解: B、C | 質問 # 4 正解: C、D | 質問 # 5 正解: D |