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SAP Certified Associate - Support Consultant for Incident Management with SAP Business All-in-One 認定 C_PXSUP_90 試験問題:
1. What data objects can be accessed in form routines? (Choose two)
A) All data objects that have been defined locally in the form.
B) All data objects in modules that are being called from the current form.
C) All data objects that have been explicitly passed via the Interface.
D) All data objects that are defined in the current program (no matter in which processing block).
2. What does it mean if a SELECT statement comes back with a sy-subrc = 4? (Choose two)
A) The execution of the SELECT statement failed because of an incomplete WHERE-Clause.
B) The SELECT statement has been executed successfully without error.
C) The system has read exactly four entries from the database table.
D) The system has not read any entries from the database table.
3. What are the main steps when you accept a priority 1 message? (Choose two)
A) Call the customer if you leave for the weekend, indicating that you will proceed with processing the message on Monday.
B) Clarify the issue by phone to avoid additional effort in processing the message.
C) Document every activity in the message.
D) Call the customer within the Initial Reaction Time (IRT).
4. You have to analyze a job that is currently processing a long running SELECT statement on a database table. Via transaction 'SM50 - details', you see that the read does not finish. What can you do?
A) You can analyze the currently processed statement by starting the SQL-Trace (ST05).
B) You have to wait until the program returns from the database. Afterwards, you can continue analysis (for example, with debugging or SQL-Trace).
C) You can analyze the currently processed statement using ST04 - detailed analysis.
5. What is the ABAP Dictionary used for? (Choose two)
A) To maintain Services for programs and screens, for example, F1-help, search help (F4), Lock object (enqueues)
B) To define database objects, for example, tables and views on the Database.
C) To maintain documentation (for example, documentation on customizing activities or the application help of a transaction).
D) To maintain ABAP programs.
質問 # 1 正解: A、C | 質問 # 2 正解: B、D | 質問 # 3 正解: C、D | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: A、B |