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AEE Certified Energy Manager (CEM) 認定 CEM 試験問題:
1. A piece of equipment costs $250,000 to buy and install. The annual operating cost for the equipment is
$50,000 per year. The equipment will last 15 years. After 15 years, the equipment will have no net salvage value. The annual interest rate is 10%. What is the present value of the life-cycle cost to own and operate the equipment? Use end-of-year annual cash flow analysis.
A) $250,000
B) $556,945
C) $630,300
D) $756,113
2. For general indoor residential lighting applications, which light source can provide the most appropriate illumination with the highest efficacy?
A) Low-pressure sodium (LPS)
B) Incandescent
C) Compact fluorescent (CFL)
D) Light-emitting diode (LED)
E) Mercury vapor (MV)
3. A steam trap with a 6-mm orifice in an 0.8-MPa steam system has failed open. The steam system is pressurized8.760 hours/yr. The steam cost is $15.00 /GJ. Using thetable below, what is the annualcost of the vented steam through the failed steam trap? ignore any condensate return issues.
[The question from the previous image, which was about calculating the annual cost of heat loss through a wall, but had a discrepancy between the calculated cost and the provided answer choices]
A) $30,000/yr
B) $5,000/yr
C) $40,000/yr
D) $10,000/yr
E) $20,000/yr
4. A hot-water boiler has a cut-in set point of 65°C on the hot water supply temperature and a differential set point of 10°C. What is the hot-water supply temperature that causes the boiler to turn off?
A) 55°C
B) It depends on the return water temperature
C) 75°C
D) 65°C
5. Which of the following statements best describe Demand Control Ventilation (DVC) in Building Automation Systems?
A) It's an active evaluation of outdoor and indoor space conditions to determine the amount of thermal, mechanical and natural conditioning that is required
B) It satisfies indoor ventilation rates by preconditioning outdoor air with the exhaust air to decrease energy cost during cold, warm, or humid weather
C) It's a prescriptive procedure in which outdoor air intake rates are calculated based on the energy cost method that compares a proposed building design to a base annual energy cost design
D) It's a building standard for enclosed spaces in which biological, chemical, and physical contaminants are considered to meet thermal comfort requirements
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: A | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: A |