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AHIMA Certified Documentation Integrity Practitioner 認定 CDIP 試験問題:
1. A patient was admitted due to possible pneumonia. Chest x-ray was positive for infiltrate. The physician's documentation indicates that the patient continues to smoke cigarettes despite recommendations to quit. Patient also has a long-term history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) due to smoking. IV antibiotic was given for pneumonia along with oral Prednisone and Albuterol for COPD.
Discharge diagnoses:
1. Pneumonia
3. Current smoker
What is the correct diagnostic related group assignment?
A) DRG 202 Bronchitis and Asthma with CC/MCC
B) DRG 204 Respiratory Signs and Symptoms
C) DRG 190 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with MCC
D) DRG 194 Simple Pneumonia and Pleurisy without CC/MCC
2. A patient is admitted for pneumonia with a WBC of 20,000, respiratory rate 20, heart rate 85, and oral temperature 99.0°. On day 2, sputum cultures reveal positive results for pseudomonas bacteria. The most appropriate action is to
A) code pneumonia, unspecified
B) code pseudomonas pneumonia
C) query the provider to document the etiology of pneumonia
D) query the provider to see if pseudomonas sepsis is supported by the health record
3. A 56-year-old male patient complains of feeling fatigued, has nausea & vomiting, swelling in both legs.
Patient has history of chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage III,
coronary artery disease (CAD) & hypertension (HTN). He is on Lisinopril. Vital signs: BP 160/80, P 84, R 20, T 100.OF. Labs: WBC 11.5 with 76% segs, GFR 45. CXR showed slight left lower lobe haziness. Patient was admitted for acute kidney injury (AKI) with acute tubular necrosis (ATN). He was scheduled for hemodialysis the next day. Two days after admission patient started coughing, fever of 101.8F, CXR showed left lower lobe infiltrate, possible pneumonia. Attending physician documented that patient has pneumonia and ordered Rocephin IV. How should the clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) interact with the physician to clarify whether or not the pneumonia is a hospital-acquired condition (HAC)?
A) No need to interact with the physician because it is obvious the pneumonia developed after admission, therefore, not present on admission.
B) No need to query the physician because even if the pneumonia is considered a HAC and cannot be used as an MCC, ATN is also an MCC.
C) Dr. Adair, in your clinical opinion, do you think that the patient's acute kidney injury with ATN exacerbated the patient's pneumonia?
D) Dr. Adair, please indicate if the patient's pneumonia was present on admission (POA) based on the initial chest x-ray?
4. Which of the following is an appropriate first step to address physicians with low query response rates?
A) The physician receives a suspension until query responses are improved
B) A meeting between the physician advisor/champion and the noncompliant physician
C) The medical staff review the physician's noncompliance to consider sanctions
D) An educational session between the clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) and physician
5. An 80-year-old male is admitted as an inpatient to the ICU with shortness of breath, productive yellow sputum, and a temperature of 101.2. CXR reveals bilateral pleural effusion and LLL pneumonia. Labs reveal a BUN of 42 and a creatinine level of 1.500.
The patient is given Zithromax 500 mg. IV, NS IV, and Lasix 40 mg tabs 2x/day. The attending physician documents bilateral pleural effusion, LLL pneumonia, and kidney failure. Two days later, the renal consult documents AKI with acute tubular necrosis (ATN). The correct principal and secondary diagnoses are
A) PDx: Bilateral pleural effusion
SDx: LLL pneumonia, kidney failure
B) PDx: LLL pneumonia
SDx: Bilateral pleural effusion, kidney failure
C) PDx: AKI with ATN
SDx: LLL pneumonia, bilateral pleural effusion
D) PDx: LLL pneumonia
SDx: AKI with ATN, bilateral pleural effusion
質問 # 1 正解: C | 質問 # 2 正解: C | 質問 # 3 正解: D | 質問 # 4 正解: D | 質問 # 5 正解: D |