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Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop CDH4 Upgrade Exam (CCAH) 認定 CCA-470 試験問題:
1. For a MapReduce job, what's the relationship between tasks and task attempts?
A) There are always at most as many task attempts as there are tasks.
B) There are always at least as many task attempts as there are tasks.
C) There are always exactly as many task attempts as there are tasks.
2. When determining the most appropriate ratio of processor cores to disk drives for a Hadoop cluster, what are the considerations?
A) Processor core counts and workload type, the ratio doesn't matter
B) Disk drives per core and workload types
C) Processors and disk drives per machine, the workload doesn't matter
D) Disk drives per machine, nothing else matters.
E) Disk drives per core without consideration to workload types
3. Someone in your data center unplugs a slave node by accident. Users of the cluster notice via the Hadoop Web UI that the cluster size has shrunken and express concerns about data loss and HDFS performance. The replication factor of all the files in the cluster is unchanged from the default of 3. What can you tell the users?
A) The NameNode will re replicate the data after the administrator issues a special command. The data is not lost but is underreplicated until the administrator issues this command.
B) The HDFS filesystem is corrupt until the administrator re adds the DataNode to the cluster. The warnings associated with the event should be reported.
C) After identifying the outage, the NameNode will naturally re-replicate the data and there will be no data loss. The administrator can re-add the DataNode at any time. The client can disregard warnings concerned with this event. Data will be under-replicated but will become properly replicated over time.
D) The NameNode will identify the outage and re-replicate the data when the clients receive connection failures to the DataNode, so the end users can disregard such warnings.
4. For each job, the Hadoop framework generates task log files. Where are Hadoop's task log files stored?
A) In HDFS, in the directory of the user who generates the job.
B) Cached on the local disk of the slave node running the task, then copied into HDFS.
C) Cached on the local disk of the slave node running the task, then purged immediately upon task completion.
D) On the local disk of the slave node running the task.
5. You have a cluster running with the Fair Scheduler enabled and configured. You submit multiple jobs to cluster. Each job is assigned to a pool. How are jobs scheduled? (Choose 2)
A) Each pool gets 1/N of the total available task slots, where N is the number of jobs running on the cluster.
B) Pools get a dynamically-allocated share of the available task slots (subject to additional constraints).
C) Each pool's share of task slots remains static within the execution of any individual job.
D) Pools are assigned priorities. Pools with higher priorities are executed before pools with lower priorities.
E) Each pool gets 1/M of the total available task slots, where M is the number of nodes in the cluster
F) Each pool's share of task slots may change throughout the course of job execution.
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: C | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: B、D |