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Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop CDH4 認定 CCA-410 試験問題:
1. Using hadoop's default settings, how much data will be able to store on your hadoop cluster if it is has 12 nodes with 4TB raw diskspace per node allocated to HDFS storage?
A) Approximately 16TB
B) Approximately 12TB
C) Approximately 3TB
D) Approximately 48TB
2. You are running two Hadoop clusters(cluster1 and cluster2), they run identical versions of hadoop.
You want to copy the data inside /home/foo/cluster1 to cluster2 into the directory /home/bar/
What is the correct distcp syntax to copy one directory tree from one cluster to the other cluster?
A) $ Hadoop distCp cluster1:/home/foo cluster2:/home/bar/
B) $ distCp hdfs://cluster1/home/foo hdfs://cluster2/home/bar/
C) $ hadoop distCp hdfs://cluster1/home/foo hdfs://cluster2/home/bar/
D) $ distCp cluster1:/home/foo cluster2:/home/bar/
3. How does the NameNode know DataNodes are available on a cluster running MapReduce v1 (MRv1)
A) The NameNode send a broadcast across the network when it first starts, and DataNodes
B) DataNodes heartbeat in the master on a regular basis.
C) The NameNode broadcasts a heartbeat on the network on a regular basis, and DataNodes respond.
D) DataNodes listed in the dfs.hosts file. The NameNode uses as the definitive list of available DataNodes.
4. Which command does Hadoop offer to discover missing or corrupt HDFS data?
A) Du
B) Dskchk
C) The map-only checksum utility,
D) Fsck
E) Hadoop does not provide any tools to discover missing or corrupt data; there is no need because three replicas are kept for each data block.
5. Your company stores user profile records in an OLTP database. You want to join these records with webserver logs. You have already ingested into the hadoop file system. What is the best way to obtain and ingest these user records?
A) Ingest with SQL import
B) Ingest with flume agents
C) Ingest with hadoop streaming
D) Ingest using the HDFS put command
E) Ingest using hives LOAD DATA command
F) Ingest with Pig's Load Command
質問 # 1 正解: A | 質問 # 2 正解: C | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: D | 質問 # 5 正解: B |