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IBM PureFlex Technical Support V2 認定 C4120-783 試験問題:
1. Design criteria dictates the use of SAN pass-thru now and the ability to upgrade to full fabric capability later. Which of the following is the most cost effective way to accomplish this?
A) Select the 8Gb SAN Pass-thru module now and convert to full functionality through activation codes later
B) Select the 8Gb SAN Switch module now and switch to Brocade interoperability mode later
C) Select the 8Gb SAN Pass-thru module now and enable full fabric functionality later
D) Select the 8Gb SAN Switch module now and enable full fabric functionality later
2. A customer wants to purchase a PureFlex foundation with a p460 POWER7 compute node with 16 cores. Which of the following is the maximum amount of memory on the compute node, and memory per core if the memory is evenly distributed across all cores?
A) 1TB per compute node and 64GB per core
B) 1TB per compute node with 32GB per core
C) 512GB per compute node and 32GB per core
D) 512GB per compute node and 16GB per core
3. A Power Systems customer is considering a PureFlex based solution. The PureFlex technical specialist wants a simple way to document their current system configuration from the HMC to assist in designing the new solution. Which of the following GUI options will produce this information?
A) View Hardware Topology
B) System Properties
C) System Plan
D) System Profile
4. Which of the following IBM systems management tools provides virtualization of ethernet MAC and Fibre Channel WWPN addresses for PureFlex Systems?
A) IBM Fabric Manager
B) IBM SmartCloud Virtual Storage Center
C) IBM Flex System Manager VMControl
D) Tivoli Storage Productivity Center
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: A | 質問 # 3 正解: C | 質問 # 4 正解: A |