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IBM AIX 7 Administration 認定 C4040-221 試験問題:
1. Automated scripts on an AIX system require secure non-root access to another AIX instance. Secure Shell (SSH) was the method chosen and installed on both systems. How can anadministrator use SSH to create secure automated jobs without storing passwords in the automated scripts?
A) issue ssh-keygen -t dsa on the source as non-root user append source id_dsa.pub contents to target /etc/ssh/sshd_config file restart sshd daemon
B) issue ssh-keygen -t dsa on the source as root append source id_dsa.pub contents to /etc/ssh/ssh_config file on the target restart sshd daemon
C) issue ssh-keygen -t dsa on the source as non-root user append source id_dsa.pub contents to the authorized_keys file on the target
D) issue ssh-keygen -t dsa on the source as non-root user append source id_dsa.pub
contents to the authorized_keys file on the target restart sshd daemon
2. Given the following characteristics, tuning which resource will provide the greatest benefit?
CPU=80% busy Physical Memory=90% used Disks=80% busy Network=80% used Filesystemsare90%full.
A) Filesystems
B) Memory
C) Network
D) Disks
3. In addition to an available DVD drive and 5GB disk space, what are the minimum server and LPAR requirements to install AIX 7.1 from DVD media?
A) IBM POWER4. POWER5. POWER6 or POWER7 Server 512MB Memory
B) IBM PowerPC 970, POWER4, POWER5, POWER6 or POWER7 Server 1024MB Memory
C) IBM POWER4, POWER5. POWER6 or POWER7 Server 1024MB Memory 3015
D) IBM PowerPC 970, POWER4, POWER5, POWER6 or POWER7 Server 512MB Memory
4. On AIX 7, which command will list a summary of the issues detected by Electronic Service Agent?
A) esacli status
B) esacli activity
C) esacli errpt
D) esacli problem
5. An administrator needs to download and install a later version of the IBM Systems Director Common Agent.Which command would extract the contents of the installation package (SysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_AIX.tar.gz) to a local directory?
A) gunzip -cd SysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_AIX.tar.gz |tar-xvf-
B) geninstail -ue SysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_AIX.tar.gz -d.
C) uncompress SysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_AIX.tar.gz | installp -et
D) unzip -lSysDir6_3_2_Common_Agent_AIX.tar.gz
質問 # 1 正解: C | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: D | 質問 # 4 正解: D | 質問 # 5 正解: A |