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IBM PureData System for Analytics v7.1 認定 C2090-560 試験問題:
1. By default, where is the IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager Console installed on a 32-bit operating system?
A) C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Console\
B) C:\Program Files\IBM\Tivoli\TEM\Console\
C) C:\Program Files\TEM Enterprise\TEM Console\
D) C:\Tivoli\Console\
2. What are the default sizes of the IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager (TEM) Server, TEM Relay and TEM Agent download caches?
A) 1024 MB
B) 2 GB
C) 100 MB
D) 10 MB
3. How is the command polling interval enabled?
A) use the BES Server Setting task called Enable Command Polling
B) use the BES Relay Setting task called Enable Polling
C) use the BES Client Setting task called Enable Command Polling
D) use the BES Fixlet called Enable Polling
4. Why would a customer want to put a Relay in a DMZ?
A) For customers who have purchased the Trend CPM module, network traffic can be captured to improve the quality of Trend Micro's Web Reputation metrics.
B) To provide Internet-based management functionality without the need for a VPN.
C) To setup an entry point to manage the stream of content from IBM's content servers so that new Fixlets can be downloaded onto the server.
D) To relay Remote Desktop or Tivoli Remote Control connections from within the corporate firewall out to mobile users computers.
5. Which task should an IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager (TEM) administrator perform on a regular basis to ensure the health of a TEM environment?
A) Run a TEM utility on the TEM Server to remove duplicate computer names and any computer that has not reported in within the past 30 days.
B) TEM will automatically alert the administrator if actions need to be taken.
C) Review the Deployment Health Checks Dashboard for any inconsistencies in the BES Server Health section and take appropriate actions to correct the warning or failure.
D) Remove any grayed-out systems displayed in the Computer section of the Navigation Tree using the Remove From Database menu option.
質問 # 1 正解: A | 質問 # 2 正解: A | 質問 # 3 正解: C | 質問 # 4 正解: B | 質問 # 5 正解: A |