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IBM Unica Campaign V8.5 認定 C2080-470 試験問題:
1. A specialist is asked to review a flowchart and find areas that are candidates for performance optimization. Which two of the following choices are the BEST steps to take?
A) Review all the top level Select boxes for criteria that can be combined and also for derived fields that may be able to be moved further down abranch in the flowchart.
B) Review flowchart queries for cases where base-to-base table joins are performed so that they might be replaced with base-to-dimension tablejoins.
C) Review the AllowSegmentUsingSqlCase setting for the data source used by the flowchart. Consider setting to false if all segment boxes havemutually exclusive segments.
D) Review the max query threads setting in each Segment box. In some boxes it may make sense to increase the maximum (if set to lower than thetotal segments), and in some cases it may make sense to decrease the maximum.
E) Review all Segment boxes, and ensure that segment by field configuration is used.
2. Many flowcharts are finishing with errors but the user cannot see any activity leading up to the error in the flowchart log as logging is set too low. What can be recommended to capture more logging in all future flowchart runs?
A) Use the unica_svradm "loglevel HIGH" command.
B) Have the user change the logging levels in every flowchart they run: the changes will persist.
C) Change the logging levels in the campaign_log4j.properties file and restart the web application server.
D) Change the levels in the following configuration settings: Settings > Configuration --> Unica > Campaign > partitions > partition[n] > server >logging.
3. A user needs to use a list of clients in a flowchart that does not exist in the database, but only as a Microsoft Excel .csv file. This flat file must be mapped into the Unica Campaign flowchart as a:
A) dimension table.
B) base table.
C) fact table.
D) general table.
4. Which two standard Unica Campaign portlets are available for use on dashboards even if the Campaign report package is not installed?
A) Offer Response Breakout
B) My Recent Campaigns
C) My Custom Bookmarks
D) Campaign Response Rate Comparison
E) Campaign Revenue Comparison
5. Which of the following does NOT contain important inputs to gather for sizing an initial Campaign hardware and database size installation?
A) Expected number of users; whether "In Database Processing" will be used
B) Number of planned concurrent users; Whether "Strategic Segments" will be used
C) Contact History use; Output preservation period
D) Expected CPU utilization; Actual flowchart file sizes
質問 # 1 正解: A、B | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: B、C | 質問 # 5 正解: D |