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IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture V8.1 Solution Design 認定 C2070-588 試験問題:
1. A solution designer has been requested by the customer to identify various content repositories supported by the IBM Datacap Taskmaster export process. Which of the following repositories is not supported?
A) IBM FileNet Image Services 4.2
B) IBM FileNet Content Manager 4.5.1
C) OpenText Livelink Enterprise Server 9.7
D) Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007
2. A solution designer has to develop a 1040EZ tax processing capture application. It is required that the application have rules to detect and perform validations on each of the following requirements: 1)Social Security Field's Length should be tested to make sure its length is exactly nine characters. 2)Validate the AdjustedGrossIncome field as total sum of other fields mainly: Total Wages, Taxable Income, Unemployment compensation. Which of the following validation functions should be performed at the DCO field level to meet these requirements in that order ?
A) IsFieldLengthMin, Calculate
B) IsFieldLengthMin, IsFieldLengthMax, CalculateFields
C) IsFieldLengthMax, Calculate
D) IsFieldLengthMin, IsFieldLengthMax
3. A solution designer has created a static panel layout using the Custom Layout Generator. The file is named "custompanellayout.ascx". The new static panel layout will be used with a page type of Rental_Agreement. Where would the new static panel be stored?
A) Task folder
B) App_Themes folder
C) App_Data folder
D) bin folder
4. Which of the following is a feature found in APT?
A) Return Filing
B) 837 output
C) Managed Recognition
D) Dynamic Screen Resolution
5. A developer is placing an action on a field to copy the value of a batch level variable named StartTime to the field value for later export. Which action and parameters would be most appropriate for this task?
A) rrCopy("@B.StartTime","@TEXT")
B) rrCopy("@TEXT","@B.StartTime")
C) rrSet("@TEXT","@StartTime")
D) rrSet("@B.StartTime","@TEXT")
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: A | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: D |