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IBM Sterling Order Management V9.1, Deployment 認定 C2050-219 試験問題:
1. A seller can be configured to create a chained order if inventory can be procured from a different Vendor. IBM Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite provides configuration to suppress chained order creation even though the seller requires chained order. Which organization level is most appropriate for setting this configuration?
A) Enterprise Level
B) Carrier Level
C) Node Level
D) Buyer Level
2. A developer is creating the ear of the Selling and Fulfillment Suite and is required to use the API Tester once the deployment is complete to test the custom APIs in the development environment. What should be passed to the build command for the API Tester to be included in the ear?
A) ./buildear.sh -Dappserver=websphere -Dwarfiles=smcfs,sma,sbc -Dearfile=smcfs.ear -Dnowebservice=true -Dtestmode=N create-ear
B) ./buildear.sh -Dappserver=websphere -Dwarfiles=smcfs,sma,sbc -Dearfile=smcfs.ear -Ddevmode=true create-ear
C) ./buildear.sh -Dappserver=websphere -Dwarfiles=smcfs,sma,sbc -Dearfile=smcfs.ear create-ear
D) ./buildear.sh -Dappserver=websphere -Dwarfiles=smcfs,sma,sbc -Dearfile=smcfs.ear -Dsupport.multi.war=true -Dtestmode=N create-ear
3. An Agent is configured to run on many Agent Servers with high threading levels expecting a high volume of traffic. What happens if the volume of traffic became low?
A) The Agent Server would automatically reduce the number of threads based on the number of transactions.
B) The system would slow down as there are too many processes running without work to do.
C) The JMS queues would fill up with too many unprocessed transactions.
D) The IBM Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite would automatically shutdown redundant agent server instances.
4. A fashion retailer would like to start taking pre-orders for an upcoming new line of merchandise. Orders get stamped with the advertised release date of the merchandise. To prevent spurious procurements from being triggered, the retailer wants the orders to be sourced only a few days ahead of the inventory being available. Which option will address this requirement?
A) The scheduling rule can be configured to retry every 'X' hours so the orders will remain backordered until the advertised release date of theproduct is reached.
B) The orders should be put on a scheduling hold, and the hold released a few days before the advertised product release date.
C) The order can have an expected ship date way out in the future (like 1/1/2100) so the scheduling agent will not pick up these orders. Theexpected ship date can then be changed a few days before inventory becomes available.
D) The scheduling rule can have a lead day of 'X' days configured so orders will be scheduled only that many days ahead of the advertisedrelease date.
5. While installing the IBM Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite in the GUI mode, the installation fails with an error indicating a user permission issue on the database schema. On researching the issue, it is discovered that the user has not been granted "CREATE TABLE" permission on the schema. The database administrator who can provide access is not accessible until the end of the week. Which statement is true regarding the application installation procedure?
A) The installation has to be rerun from the beginning after the permission has been granted to the user.
B) The installation can be run in a mode such that it does not connect to the database and the database scripts can be run later when thepermission issue is resolved.
C) Since the issue is only a permissions issue, the installation can be run with a parameter in the silent file so it would ignore such errors andcomplete the installation successfully.
D) The IBM Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite should be re-installed with the option to use the database bundled along with it.
質問 # 1 正解: A | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: D | 質問 # 5 正解: B |