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Aruba Wireless Mesh Professional 4.2 認定 AWMP 試験問題:
1. Which of these statements is correct in regards to Fresnel zone and mesh network design? Choose all that apply.
A) Fresnel zone only comes into play when designing Wi-Fi client coverage.
B) Fresnel zone clearance of at least 60% is required for mesh radio links.
C) Mesh network design does not need to account for Fresnel zone.
D) Fresnel zone, Free Space Path Loss, EIRP and receive sensitivity are all factors that should be considered.
2. Assume a video surveillance network design where 3 remote cameras are co-located with Aruba AirMesh routers and form a linear mesh to a single portal point. Assume the locations are number 0-4, starting from the portal and incrementing outward. Each of the three camera locations requires 15Mbps of throughput. How much bandwidth is required to be provided by the Node 1 radio that has a mesh link to the Portal?
A) 60 Mbps
B) 90 Mbps
C) 25 Mbps
D) 45 Mbps
3. What is the maximum data rate specified for IEEE 802.11n WLANs using 20Mhz channel in 2x2 mode?
A) 54 Mbps
B) 130 Mbps
C) 116 Mbps
D) 150 Mbps
4. What effect on RSSI does antenna polarization of the receiver cause?
A) an increase in RSSI when polarized the same as the transmitter
B) no effect if the deployment is within 30 degrees latitude of the equator
C) no affect to the signal, if the antenna beamwidth are properly aligned.
D) an increase in RSSI when polarized exactly opposite from the transmitter
5. Which statement best describes the use of EIRP limits in the outdoor planner?
A) EIRP is not used by the outdoor planner
B) Before beginning a plan, the user must enter the maximum EIRP allowed for their regulatory domain
C) The outdoor planner will automatically reduce AP output power based on the antenna selected and cable losses to ensure the displayed results are not based on unapproved EIRP levels
D) When preparing an outdoor plan, the user must ensure that EIRP levels are not exceeded by the utility
質問 # 1 正解: B、D | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: C |