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IBM Assessment: IBM Notes and Domino 9.0 Social Edition System Administration A 認定 A2040-406 試験問題:
1. In what two ways can an IBM Domino administrator define widgets' availability for users? (Choose two.)
A) with a Widget policy
B) with a Registration policy
C) with a Desktop policy
D) with the plugin_customization.ini file
E) with a Security policy
2. The IBM Notes Browser Plug-in also creates a npntapi.log file in the user's TEMP directory (%TEMP%). Which statement describes this log?
A) The file contains browser information collected during operation of the Notes Browser Plug-in.
B) The file contains browser information collected during the startup of the Notes Browser Plug-in.
C) This log will only be created if debug parameters are defined in the notes.ini.
D) Once Notes starts up, this log is merged into the console.log or any other debug output that has been set up via the notes.ini.
3. How can an administrator set the IBM Sametime server for all users?
A) Using a Sametime policy
B) Using a Desktop policy
C) Using a Setup policy
D) Using a Registration policy
4. Which is available in the IBM Sametime embedded client?
A) Chat
B) Telephony integration
C) Chat and Meetings
D) Audio/Video Chat and Meetings
5. How would Miguel encrypt NRPC communication on a server port?
A) using the Domino Administrator's Ports Tools pane
B) using the IBM Domino Designer's Server Tools pane
C) using the Domino Administrator's Security Tools pane
D) using the IBM Notes Client's User Tools pane
質問 # 1 正解: C、D | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: A |