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Adobe Flash CC ACE 認定 9A0-359 試験問題:
1. You have added a text entry box in the course. You want the users to view their previously entered answer if they return to this slide. Which option should you select in the Properties Inspector?
A) Validate User Input
B) Show Text Box Frame
C) Display for Rest of the Project
D) Retain Text
2. You have added an image to one of your slides. You want this image to fly in from left when the learner takes the course. What is the most efficient way to make this happen?
A) Select the Fly In transition under image editing options.
B) Apply appropriate Entrance effect to the image.
C) Apply Motion Tween to the image.
D) Create this effect in Flash and add the SWF file in Captivate.
3. Which type of widget can be added to a master slide?
A) Dynamic
B) Interactive
C) Question
D) Static
4. In your Captivate project, you add a slide from a PowerPoint presentation. Where will this slide be added to the project?
A) As the last slide in the project.
B) Before the previously selected slide.
C) Next to the previously selected slide.
D) As the first slide in the project.
5. You are adding effects to your objects and find it cumbersome to keep switching from the Timeline panel to Effects panel to match the timing. What should you do to reduce your efforts?
A) Take a screenshot of the Timeline panel and refer to it while working with the Effects panel.
B) First add all the effects and then synchronize the timing.
C) Switch to Review workspace.
D) Switch to Effects workspace.
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: D | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: D |