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Cisco Executing Cisco Advanced Business Value Analysis and Design Techniques 認定 840-423 試験問題:
1. What is the purpose of a gap analysis?
A) Identify the major capabilities that are needed but are not present today in the operating model.
B) Define new software that is required for stronger security and threat prevention.
C) Increase the customer's level of awareness about Smart Solution features and value.
D) Identify specific problems with execution of the customer's network management process.
2. Which option is part of an implementation strategy?
A) name of the finance rep who is responsible for tracking costs
B) names of employees and their user IDs
C) response time requirements for executive quarterly update videos
D) completion criteria for major work packages that are dependent on other projects
3. Which example is a business case assumption that is most likely to be provided by the IT executive?
A) The number of personnel can be reduced in the business unit due to automation.
B) The expected weighted cost of capital can define the rate of return.
C) IT transaction volumes will grow 10% annually for the next 2 years.
D) The business will outsource customer service to a third party.
4. Which pieces of information help to assess user readiness for a rollout?
A) number of changes in processes and number of open help desk problems
B) number of users and years in role
C) user awareness and time scheduled for training
D) budget and testing script
5. Which action should be done when you present the business case to stakeholders?
A) Focus mainly on near-term investments and leave discussion about rollout until after a pilot is complete.
B) Ask the IT executive to publicly commit their support for your recommendation.
C) Be cautious when you discuss the risks that the organization should consider to gain support without raising possible challenges.
D) Give a comprehensive picture of the costs, benefits, and considerations that the customer should think about.
質問 # 1 正解: A | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: C | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: D |